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Drayon 2008-08-23 07:47 PM

abnormally large font in text fields
I installed Leopard the other day. I immediately noticed a problem in OW where the font size is much larger and possibly bolded in the text entry field's drop down, seen with autofill.

Is this a bug or some bright idea to uglify my browser? I decided to go back to Tiger but i'd like to know if this can this be changed back? New MBP is imminent so Leopard will be foisted upon me unfortunately.


[B]OW in Leopard buggy font size IMO [/B]

[B]Correct font size in Tiger[/B]

troyb 2008-08-25 08:50 AM

The leopard version is using a standard plain text font rather than styled text from the site. This can actually be preferable in some situations and look much better too! For instance, if the site is using a 48 point font the drop down would cut off the bottom of each drop down selection.

troyb 2008-08-25 08:51 AM

For the record I'm actually not sure where this is coming from. Perhaps WebKit behaves slightly different on the different OS's.

Handycam 2008-08-25 11:19 AM

Do you have a URL?

Drayon 2008-08-25 02:49 PM

TB im using a custom style to force all pages to use my font so i expect the text field to respect this as it has in Tiger. This is NOT preferable to ME in any way and I get VERY disagreeable when font type and sizes are forced upon me. You can do what every you like to the icons and other things but changing and forcing fonts on me is a big no no.

here is my code

font-family: Optima !important;
font-size: 10px !important;

Handycam- a URL of what?


Handycam 2008-08-25 05:33 PM

of a page that displays this

Drayon 2008-08-25 07:45 PM

Handycam - copy the code below to a text file, save and name it fontstyle.css then in OW Page Appearance Preference use the "Style Sheet" drop down to select this file. Then go to any page with a text entry field and type in some text you know the form will auto fill.

html, body, * {
font-family: Optima !important;
font-size: 10px !important;
pre {
font-family: Optima !important;
a:visited, a:visited:hover, a:link:active {
color: #9900CC !important;
a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:active {
text-decoration: underline !important;

troyb 2008-08-26 08:22 AM

As I mentioned before, this corrects issues such as this:


The change actually first appeared during the overhaul of form elements back in OmniWeb 5.6 and isn't specific to operating system.

Drayon 2008-08-26 04:29 PM

tb that is all well and good but :

a) how many sites actually have 48 point fonts or anything insanely large that would result in this situation?
b) why would it not make sense to command+- to make the text smaller in this case if the user saw this?
c) why would a custom style with important font rules not over ride this? surely in this situation the user knows exactly what he is doing since he has gone to all the trouble to define his own fonts in a style sheet.

Drayon 2008-08-26 04:38 PM

I've done a quick test and i cant see how you managed to achieve a page with a 48 size font that replicates the issue you posted. I command++ zoomed the text to the maximum and note: my max font size in font preferences is 11 so im not sure how the page gets larger text than that anyway but still the text in the autofill form drop down still retains my important! font size and type while the font in the form is larger like the page content it is still not large enough to cause the problem you have. and im using the latest SP in Tiger so there is something adrift in Leopard.

Maybe there is a difference in px and point sizes playing with OW because if i set max text size in OW it looks like size 32 but in fact if it is copied to text edit the text is much larger, if highlighted an check the size its actually nearly double 60+. Strange behavior it may be but this does work well for me in any case id never have a font larger than 11 points anyways an that is a fixed width font courier for unix commands since anything below that is not aliased.


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