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OmarKN 2012-05-13 11:34 AM

Importing List of ToDos into Tasks
Is this possible?

Let's say I have list of ToDos like this:

Color Scheme Research
Color Scheme Presented
Layout Design Research
Layout Design Presented
Color Scheme Chosen
Layout/Design Chosen

It would be really phantastic if one could import a list in such a way that OmniPlan converts these strings into tasks right away (with some default duration).

/ bw Omar KN

whpalmer4 2012-05-13 04:56 PM

Piece of cake!


I selected the block of rows from your post, did Edit->Copy (command-C), switched to OmniPlan, clicked on the dot at the beginning of the last row, then did Edit->Paste (command-V). Every line on the clipboard gets turned into a separate task. This applies to all Omni outlining apps.

If you want a particular duration (or effort) for the bunch, after you paste, but before you do anything else, bring up the inspector and put it in for all of them at once.

OmarKN 2012-05-14 02:17 AM

Yeah! You're right . it was very easy,

EXCEPT for (that it is essential) to click on the right little grey spot:

"click on the dot at the beginning of the last row, then did Edit->Paste (command-V)."

Thank you,

/ Omar KN

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