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batguano 2009-12-02 09:40 PM

Outlining in iOF
Hi all,

I just bought iOF. I've owned the desktop OF for a while, and I use the outlining features a lot.

It looks like the iPhone app doesn't support outlining very well. For example, you can't open and close branches like you can in OF. Also, the only way to arrange actions into an outline is by selecting the action and using the "Move Action" tool--there's no direct manipulation that lets you drag & drop items.

Is this true? Or is there a way to do this that I haven't found yet? If this is all there is, then iOF is definitely the wrong product for me....and a big disappoinment, especially given the excellent quality of the desktop OmniFocus and OmniOutliner.

I saw CarbonFin recommended in another thread. Any other recs for iPhone outliners? Or other productivity apps that are more outline-centric?

Thanks for any advice!

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