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Devo777 2008-07-24 06:33 AM

SOLVED: iphone items NOT syncing to mac
I am using mobile me.

When I add items to the inbox on my mac and sync, only some of the items transfer to the iphone. I have no idea why some do and some do not...

When I add items to the iphone none of them update to the mac.

I am using the latest build as if this morning.


Devo777 2008-07-24 06:52 AM

I've since installed OF on my macbook, ( previously I was working from an imac) and the macbook version syncs up fine.

I've tried to delete OF files off of my imac to and reinstalling, but it came back with all of the same data that it had before.

Is there an uninstall option? I figure if I can start fresh it may work properly.


Lizard 2008-07-24 09:56 AM

Deleting OmniFocus.ofocus from ~/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus should be enough to reset everything.

To get an extra-clean start, you could do the following:
1) Make sure your macbook has all your current data, no changes on your iPhone waiting to be synced over.
2) Move aside or delete the OmniFocus.ofocus file on your iDisk.
3) Reset the database on your phone
4) Move aside or delete the OmniFocus.ofocus file on your iMac.
5) Sync from your MacBook OmniFocus to MobileMe
6) Sync your iPhone OmniFocus to MobileMe
7) Sync your iMac OmniFocus to MobileMe

masoric 2008-07-28 04:19 PM

I am struggling with the same problem
This problem is affecting me nearly every day. While at work away from my mac, I check items off as complete, add new ones to the inbox, and add new projects etc... When I get home, I sync using MobileMe. After launching and syncing with my desktop, none of the new items appear, and none of the items I completed while I was away are marked as complete on the desktop.

When reviewing the iphone, everything remains current.

To troubleshoot, I reset my database on my phone, and then re-synced with my data on MobileMe. When I did this, everything in my iPhone matched the desktop.

In other words, it appears this problem is actually with the iPhone... it says it synced to MobileMe, but the file on the server still contains the old data...

Lizard 2008-07-29 12:41 PM

masoric: It's really hard to tell here exactly what's going on. Please email [email][/email] with this information and we'll work from there. (If you could put your forum user name in the subject line, that will help us quickly connect that email with this post.)

Lizard 2008-07-29 12:42 PM

With no response in 5 days, I'll assume my suggestions above worked for Devo777.

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