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Oogiem 2010-05-29 04:47 PM

Quick Entry not in inbox?
RUnning 1.6.3 on an iPod Touch. When I use quick entry to add things they are not showing up in the inbox. I created a few actions. I know they are going to become projects in their own right and I also know that they are going to be within a certain context. I can't get them to stick, I've tried save first or done first and they vanish.

On the mac I can enter in a bunch of things in the inbox, add as much of the data as I have and when I finally get to processing each item I can then either make them projects or make them actions under an existing project. I can't seem to make that work in the iPhone/iPod app at all.:confused:

What's happening is many of the items I create are not showing up in the inbox at all.

I've just entered an item at least 4 times and it's not showing up anywhere that I can find.

Brian 2010-06-01 02:53 PM

Oogiem, I'm really sorry about this!

If looking for the item by name (via the home screen search tool) isn't causing it to appear, please contact the [EMAIL=""]support ninjas[/EMAIL]. If there's a reproducible case where an item can be entered and not saved, we definitely want to know about it!

Oogiem 2010-06-03 08:23 AM

OK I'm working on a reproducible set of instructions on this. Will send to support when I have a set that works all the time.

Oogiem 2010-06-03 12:28 PM

OK here's the issue, I suspect it's working as the programmers want it to but it sure looked and felt like a bug to me.

On the Mac if I am in the inbox and I create actions they stay in the inbox no matter whether I add projects or contexts until do a clean-up. I can use my inbox as a gathering place just like a normal paper inbox for all sorts of possibilities. When I process my inbox I get to decide whether I really want to do the item, is it a someday/maybe, does it belong to an existing project, is it really a next action and so on.

On the iPod Touch (and I assume the iPhone) things with a project or a context get automatically dumped out of the inbox immediately as soon as you press save. Those with a context get dumped to a single action list called Miscellaneous. Those with a project but no context go under that project and those with both get assigned immediately to that project & context. I have no option to process my inbox later and then clean it up.

I tried to turn off this behavior but there doesn't seem to be any option.

I consider this a bug. Here are my reasons why. If I create something in the inbox I don't want it to automatically go anywhere until I process it fully. Having stuff get dumped out without my input means I have incomplete items and half formed thoughts suddenly populating my lists and projects. Just because I input something and have some of the data to define it it's not fully processed (in the GTD sense) unless I have all the data on it. I explicitly do that later. On the Mac I almost never use the clean-up option and when I do it has always behaved as I expect it to, moving things as I have defined.

At a minimum I would love an option to turn this behavior off. While I am sure it is helpful to many people for me it was both unexpected and a serious flaw as I was using my iPod to collect possible and optional things and to have them suddenly in the main database of items with no clue where they are was most upsetting. Esp. because I don't use a misc. list so mine was empty until the iPod started populating it with next actions!

I am sending this as feedback to the support folks.

whpalmer4 2010-06-03 01:54 PM

On the Mac, what are your settings for Data Preferences, Clean Up Inbox actions which have: (Project / Context / Both / Either)? That setting is synced with the iPod/iPhone/iPad, and if you have it set to Both, your actions added to the Inbox on the iPod/iPhone/iPad will stay put until you've got both. Change it on the Mac and sync both devices and actions should stay put in your Inbox until they are fully processed with project and context.

Oogiem 2010-06-04 05:49 AM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;78051]That setting is synced with the iPod/iPhone/iPad, and if you have it set to Both, your actions added to the Inbox on the iPod/iPhone/iPad will stay put until you've got both.[/QUOTE]

It was set to either but I changed it to both, synched the devices and now the behavior is if the project is a single actions list even if there is no context it gets moved to the list. Regular projects are working now.

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