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John Brewer 2012-02-07 06:19 PM

Showing Contexts with Flagged at Top
In general, I like to see flagged tasks at the top of my Context views. I've figured out how to do this on the Mac (by editing the Contexts perspective) and on the iPhone (by choosing "In Contexts sort by: Due Date & Flagged" from the View Options screen for Contexts).

But I have yet to figure out how to do this in OmniFocus for iPad. The View Options list for Contexts doesn't have the same option, and modifying the Contexts perspective on the Mac doesn't seem to affect the Contexts view on the iPad.

Any idea what I need to do?

whpalmer4 2012-02-07 09:59 PM

If you've got a perspective on the Mac that is already working for you, why not use it on the iPad? Save it under a different name and it should be available in the Perspectives entry in the sidebar after you sync. The Contexts view on the iPad is not a perspective (unlike on the Mac) and so it doesn't change when you change the perspective on the Mac.

John Brewer 2012-02-08 10:15 AM

When I do that, the perspective appears to be locked to a specific context. Any way to fix that?

Brian 2012-02-08 10:54 AM

I wouldn't expect that to be the case, John, but if you email some screenshots of your settings to the [EMAIL=""]support ninjas[/EMAIL], we'll get this figured out.

A screenshot of the perspective as it appears on the Mac, one of the settings in the Perspectives window itself, and one of what you're seeing on the iPad should help us sort this out. Apologies for the trouble!

You can take a screenshot on your Mac by pressing command-shift-4, which will give you a selection cursor. Tap your Space key, click on the window you want to capture, and when you release the mouse the image will be saved to your desktop as 'Picture 1', 'Picture 2', etc.

To take a screenshot on an iOS device, hold down the Home button, and then briefly press the Power button on the top of the device. (With the screen you want to take a picture of visible, of course.)

Your screen will flash white - this means that the screenshot was added to your photo roll. You can now use the camera application on your phone to email the photo to yourself, then send it along.

John Brewer 2012-02-08 12:45 PM

In preparing the screen shots for tech support, I re-snapshotted the perspective on the Mac, and now it's showing all contexts on the iPad.

The only thing is, I'd like to be able to focus on a single context at a time, like I can with the real Contexts pop-up/sidebar. is there any way to do that?

And BTW, thanks for your replies.

Brian 2012-02-08 01:01 PM

[QUOTE=John Brewer;107192]I'd like to be able to focus on a single context at a time, like I can with the real Contexts pop-up/sidebar. is there any way to do that?[/QUOTE]

Not at the moment, but I'll attach you to that item in the development database. (Alternately, file a new request if I can't find an existing one.)

whpalmer4 2012-02-08 01:41 PM

If you press and hold on one of the triangles next to the Context name on the right side, you'll get a popup which offers choices of Collapse All, or Expand All and Collapse All, depending on whether it was expanded or collapsed when you did so. A single tap on the button just toggles the state. Collapse All and open just the context that interests you...not quite as clean as drilling into just one context, but on the other hand, it allows you to have selected contexts open simultaneously, which the Contexts view does not.

John Brewer 2012-02-08 01:55 PM

If we're voting for features, my vote would be to add "sort by" choices to the "View Options" dialog, like on the iPhone. That does exactly what I want, with none of this mucking about with perspectives.

Thanks again.

John Brewer 2012-02-08 01:57 PM

Thanks for the suggestion. Will try that.

Brian 2012-02-13 10:21 AM

Yeah, a coworker just gently pointed out that the app already supported doing exactly what you were asking for. Clearly there was too much blood in my caffeine stream when I last posted and wrote up that feature request.

And with that, I'm off to pour myself a cup of coffee lest the same thing happen again today. :-)

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