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ejdillon 2006-12-15 09:25 AM

New Software Idea - Kill photoshop
Photoshop has almost a total monoply on the mac image editing software market. Over the Years the product has just gotten worse and worse. Now they are filling the install with so much junk its over 600mb

Omni makes nice native mac software and is in a perfect position to move into this market. They could easly grab a large part of the market with a better less expensive product.

Please, I am sick of Photoshop

Just an idea.

Oblique Strategy 2006-12-22 06:10 AM

Writing a Photoshop killer would be an immense and hideously expensive undertaking that would be beyond the resources of most software developers.

It's comparable to having a builder come in and construct the most beautiful, ornate, detailed and just well put together house you could imagine...and then asking them to put up a 140 story building because they obviously know how to build things right.

xiamenese 2006-12-22 05:40 PM

Please, I am sick of Photoshop
Try PhotoComplete from [url][/url]
Everything that PhotoShop is not! Great interface and at $29 it's a steal! :)

Disclaimer: I am not an employee of Funkypixels, nor in any way connected with Funkypixels.


arglborps 2006-12-26 03:59 PM

Photo Complete is just a tiny image retouching program. It doesn't even have layers. I have no idea how you could compare this to Photoshop, it doesn't even come close to Adobe Photoshop Elements. You can find that type of image retoucher anywhere.

What the Mac designers are in dire need of is an image editing, image [B]creation[/B] tool with layers, layer masks, alpha channel editing, quick masking and CMYK support etc. If the GIMP could be made into a Mac App with a proper Aqua interface and useful keyboard shortcuts it could do the trick. Maybe a complete makeover of the GIMP as a non X11 app would to it? There's not much missing there in functionality, it's just the GUI that is an abortion. GIMP with an Omni GUI concept would completely rock, I believe. But alas it's not Cocoa, so there's little in that direction I guess.

Speaking of pure Cocoa apps: TIFFany3, albeit having a high learning curve an being geared towards batch processing images, was a good step in the right direction, but is dead now.

LiveQuartz Image Editor and Image Tricks are on their way to become quite effective image editing programs, so I think it could be done if you leverage the power that comes with Core Image effects etc.

Omni, who else if not you could actually dethrone the Gorilla that is Adobe, which has gotten so overweight, that it started looking just like a hairy troll incapable of moving into the 21st century?

StoneRoseDesignDotCom 2006-12-27 05:56 AM

Why will people switch?
I once worked with a company that wanted to make a better (Mac) word processor and spreadsheet...knock MS off the top of the hill.

The guy spent about 3 years full-time doing it...and it was indeed great. Under $100...did 90% of what Word/Excel did and many things better. Tons of translators...even read Word/Excel files.

Did it sell? Nope...why?...because the people that actually buy software (companies) have absolutely no reason to jeapordize every business document they've ever made to save a hundred bucks.

When something works, and it's critical to your business, and you can afford it, you've got no reason to change.

But wouldn't new businesses buy it? Course not...unproven, can't exchange documents with the rest of the world.


(I prefer to not state the name of the company because he owes me money and until I get paid I'm not spending another keystroke promoting the product.)

xiamenese 2006-12-31 03:20 AM

[QUOTE=arglborps]Photo Complete is just a tiny image retouching program. It doesn't even have layers. I have no idea how you could compare this to Photoshop, it doesn't even come close to Adobe Photoshop Elements. You can find that type of image retoucher anywhere.[/QUOTE]
No, you can't. That was the whole point of my comment, ejdillon said "I am sick of PhotoShop", and PhotoComplete is about as far as you can get from PhotoShop.
No, it doesn't have layers; I don't know about PhotoShop Elements as I use PS CS1 so I see not point in taking up hard disk space with Elements. But no other image editing software I have tried apart from PS has layers ... that is why I have PS. I guess that any that does, Illustrator of course, is going to be an equally complex piece of software.
As for finding "that type of image retoucher anywhere", in my experience you can't. Its way of allowing to re-adjust parameters of actions early in the chain of actions and to turn them on and off without having to go back through history seems to me to be innovative.
And I like the UI.

arglborps 2007-01-30 08:22 PM

[QUOTE=xiamenese]As for finding "that type of image retoucher anywhere", in my experience you can't. Its way of allowing to re-adjust parameters of actions early in the chain of actions and to turn them on and off without having to go back through history seems to me to be innovative.
And I like the UI.

Core Image does exactly support that kind of adjusting on the fly, non-destructive editing. Here are apps which support Core Image:

Image Tricks
Edit images using Tiger Core Image filters.

Easy, drag & drop batch image processing. 5.3 MB
Shareware 19.00

Core image processing for OS X 10.4.
Demo 49.00

LiveQuartz Image Editor
Simple image editor.

Noise Industries Units
Set of filters/generators compatible with Core Image-enabled apps.

Add multiple CoreImage filters to your images with a click.

Here's the URL for downloading the apps from

Dave T 2007-02-22 09:48 AM

Photo Complete is just a tiny image retouching program. It doesn't even have layers. I have no idea how you could compare this to Photoshop, it doesn't even come close to Adobe Photoshop Elements. You can find that type of image retoucher anywhere.

What the Mac designers are in dire need of is an image editing, image [B]creation[/B] tool with layers, layer masks, alpha channel editing, quick masking and CMYK support etc.

Perhaps GraphicConvertor is not as image editing capable as you need but for the most part I've been happy with what it offers. It handles pretty much all the things you mention above.

It may have started out life as a simple batch processor with incredible lists of converted file types but over the years Lemke Soft have worked in more and more adjustment features and I expect some "healing brush" type things in the future.

For those who need Universal code and wicked fast editing I can't say enough about the time and effort GraphicConvertor has saved me.

arglborps 2007-03-08 12:26 AM

I have a paid for copy of Graphic Converter and it's great for what the name implies its supposed to do: convert graphics. And batch conversion. However, the programmer should really take some lessons in Cocoa coding after all, because albeit being an intel native app now it still smells terribly like Carbon. Yucch...

The GUI is a mess, it's counterintuitive. I've tried every once in a while doing some kind of image creation with it. In the end I found I rather wait the 30 Seconds it takes Photoshop CS2 to launch in Rosetta and be done with it still in less time. No, sorry, GC is not a contender when it comes to Photoshop replacement. It's such a sad situation for us designers.

That's why I think OmniWeb could pull this one. They have a very good name and high credibility in the Mac community. (Paying) core users of Photoshop are mostly on Macs. If not dethrone Adobe, Omni could still make quite some inroads into that market. I would change to OmniShop® if the functionality was there and if it was a Cocoa app that supports all the nice OS X features properly. I mean, for christ's sake even in CS2 I can still not insert any character I like via the character palette of OS X, Photoshop will still mess half of it up. Helooo? Unicode anyone???

hmurchison 2007-04-03 10:38 PM

I think at this point only Apple could really develop a photo editing program that could get Adobe's attention.

And Lord how I wish they'd try. Not because I have any ill feeling towards Adobe but because having Adobe as the 800lb Gorilla of creative apps is frankly scary.

I remember back in the day when you had Photoshop duking it out with Live Picture and Macromedia's Xres. Those where fun times and Adobe busted it's arse to keep its lead. Who's going to push them now?

If I had my druthers Apple would be hopping into the fray with a Mac only version of a Pro image creation/editor. By staying Mac only they are assured that they wouldn't damage Adobe's frail ego and they could base such an app around OS X technologies.

I don't know enough about graphics to know where Photoshop is really lacking i'd certainly love to see the resolution independence that Live Picture had. I'd love to see core support for HDRI images (I think they are already supported in Core Image).

I think the big thing would be cool filters, extensible plugin support and excellent scripting. Make it handle square and round pixels with ease. It woud be fully supported by OpenGL 2.x and the previews would be almost always instantaneous.

There would be palettes but much work would be done with Heads Up Display panels that are contextual and very smart.

Video would be supported. If you wanted to drop in a Final Cut timeline and edit each individual frame that would be supported. The painting tools would rival Painter X.

And of course hundreds of things I've never thought about but would instantly need once announced. I'd love to see Apple take a whack at this.

Omni could support it with excellent add on tools.

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