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myfre 2012-01-30 02:54 PM

hi Rob, I've tried that one also...

of2omnioutlinerpro does not bring the folder names over (but it fixes the problem with the missing note)

of2opml does bring folder names, but has the missing note bug.

I could paypal you a token $20 for a fix, if that is of any motivation.

(I really don't understand why all the omni things don't import export to eachother already!)

thanks for your great and generous work with the scripts!

whpalmer4 2012-01-30 03:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Will you send it to me, instead? Rob's asleep :-)

I've attached a modified version of OF2OPML that handles project notes in the same fashion as action notes.

myfre 2012-01-30 07:46 PM


got the revised script from Palmer. works!

going to send you $20, just need your email for paypal, so PM it to me I guess...

also going to send $20 to RobTrew for original applescript work.

now that I have a correct opml I can look at other organizer options like Curio.

still seems choices are limited, but unless I can solve my hanging problems with omnifocus I have to switch.

again thanks to both of you. the payment is just a token for your generous work.

Zettt 2012-01-31 06:20 AM

[QUOTE=Shotster;105575]Hope it works for you.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! I didn't get a notification on your reply, so sorry for my late reply.

I'm mainly interested in your replacement method, because German has a couple of weird characters as well.

When I got a working version I plan to share my results.

Again, thanks.

RobTrew 2012-01-31 06:47 AM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;106737]Will you send it to me, instead? Rob's asleep :-)

I've attached a modified version of OF2OPML that handles project notes in the same fashion as action notes.[/QUOTE]

Thank you !

Meanwhile, I've updated the [URL=""]OF2OO script[/URL], which should now export folders.

(As it's based on GUI selections, to export folders with tasks as well as the projects, you need to choose 'group by folders' in the content panel, and select the folders required - their descendant trees will be picked up automatically).


Zettt 2012-01-31 07:25 AM

Needed to change some things, Rob and the others might want to consider for their version of this script.

I got a list of entities from [URL=""]this page[/URL]. A short regex (s/(.)\t(.*)\t.*/set retVal to stringReplace("$1", "$2", retVal)/) to get working AS code.

I found a bug in the replacement code which can be fixed by adding considering case.

Here's the entire script.

Thanks to everyone involved!

[CODE]-- Indicative draft Ver 0.001

-- Saves anything selected in Omnifocus (Project or Context View) As an OPML
-- Note that the whole sub-tree is copied, so only 'parent' elements need to be selected.

property pPROJECT : "project"
property pTASK : "task"
property pINBX_TASK : "inbox task"
property pITEM : "item"

property pOPMLHeadToExpand : "
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
<opml version=\"1.0\">
<title>Selected in OF</title>
property pOPMLHeadFromExpand : "</expansionState>

property pOPMLTail : "

property pNodeStart : "<outline "
property pLeafClose : "/>"
property pParentClose : "</outline>"

on run
set strOPML to MakeOPML(SelectedInOF())
if strOPML ≠ "" then
set oFile to choose file name with prompt "Save as OPML" default name "Untitled.opml" default location (path to desktop) as alias
WriteText2Path(strOPML, POSIX path of oFile)
end if
end run


on SelectedInOF()
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell front window
set blnContext to ((selected view mode identifier) is not equal to pPROJECT)

repeat with oPanel in {content, sidebar}
set lstNodes to value of (selected trees of oPanel where class of its value ≠ item)
set lngNodes to count of lstNodes
if lngNodes > 0 then exit repeat
end repeat
set blnAll to (lngNodes < 1)
if blnAll then set lstNodes to value of (trees of content where class of its value ≠ item)
end tell

repeat with i from 1 to length of lstNodes
tell item i of lstNodes
if (its class) is not folder then
if (number of tasks) > 0 then
--set item i of lstNodes to {name, completed, my ListSubNodes(its tasks, blnContext, blnAll), note, "", "", start date, due date, completion date, estimated minutes, flagged}
set item i of lstNodes to {name, completed, my ListSubNodes(its tasks, blnContext, blnAll), note, "", "", start date, due date, completion date, estimated minutes, flagged}

set item i of lstNodes to {name, completed, {}, note, "", "", start date, due date, completion date, estimated minutes, flagged}
end if
if (number of projects) > 0 then
set item i of lstNodes to {name, false, my ListSubNodes(its projects, blnContext, blnAll), note, "", "", missing value, missing value, missing value, missing value, false}
set item i of lstNodes to {name, false, {}, note, "", "", missing value, missing value, missing value, missing value, false}
end if
end if
end tell
end repeat

return {lstNodes, blnContext}
end tell
end SelectedInOF

on ListSubNodes(lstNodes, blnAll)
using terms from application "OmniFocus"
repeat with i from 1 to length of lstNodes
tell item i of lstNodes

set oProj to its containing project
if oProj is not missing value then
set strProject to name of oProj
set strProject to ""
end if

set oContext to its context
if oContext is not missing value then
set strContext to name of oContext
set strContext to ""
end if

if (number of tasks) > 0 then
set item i of lstNodes to {name, completed, my ListSubNodes(its tasks, blnAll), note, strProject, strContext, start date, due date, completion date, estimated minutes, flagged}
set item i of lstNodes to {name, completed, {}, note, strProject, strContext, start date, due date, completion date, estimated minutes, flagged}
end if
end tell
end repeat
return lstNodes
end using terms from
end ListSubNodes


on MakeOPML({lstTasks, blnContext})
if (length of lstTasks > 0) then

set {lngIndex, strExpand, strOutline} to my Tasks2OPML(-1, lstTasks, tab)
set strOPML to pOPMLHeadToExpand & strExpand & pOPMLHeadFromExpand & strOutline & pOPMLTail
return strOPML
end if
end MakeOPML

on Tasks2OPML(lngIndex, lstTasks, strIndent)
set {strExpand, strOut} to {"", ""}
repeat with oTask in lstTasks
set {strName, blnDone, lstChiln, strNote, strProject, strContext, dteStart, dteDue, dteDone, lngMins, blnFlagged} to oTask

if strNote ≠ "" then
set strOut to strOut & pNodeStart & Attr("text", strName) & Attr("_note", strNote)
set strOut to strOut & pNodeStart & Attr("text", strName)
end if

if blnDone then if (dteDone is not missing value) then
set strOut to strOut & Attr("_status", "checked") & Attr("Completed", short date string of dteDone & space & time string of dteDone)
end if

if strProject ≠ "" then set strOut to strOut & Attr("Project", strProject)
if strContext ≠ "" then set strOut to strOut & Attr("Context", strContext)

tell dteStart to if it is not missing value then set strOut to strOut & my Attr("Start", short date string & space & time string)
tell dteDue to if it is not missing value then set strOut to strOut & my Attr("Due", short date string & space & time string)

if lngMins > 0 then set strOut to strOut & Attr("Duration", ((lngMins / 60) as string) & "h")
if blnFlagged then set strOut to strOut & Attr("Flagged", "2")

set lngIndex to lngIndex + 1
if (length of lstChiln > 0) then
set strExpand to strExpand & "," & (lngIndex) as string
set {lngIndex, strSubExpand, strSubOutln} to Tasks2OPML(lngIndex, lstChiln, strIndent & tab)
if strSubExpand ≠ "" then set strExpand to strExpand & "," & strSubExpand
set strOut to strOut & ">" & return & ¬
strIndent & strSubOutln & return & ¬
strIndent & pParentClose
set strOut to strOut & pLeafClose & return
end if
end repeat
if strExpand begins with "," and length of strExpand > 1 then set strExpand to text 2 thru -1 of strExpand
return {lngIndex, strExpand, strOut}
end Tasks2OPML

on Attr(strName, strValue)
--strName & "=\"" & strValue & "\" "
strName & "=\"" & attributeValue(strValue) & "\" "
end Attr

on WriteText2Path(strText, strPosixPath)
set f to (POSIX file strPosixPath)
open for access f with write permission
write strText as «class utf8» to f
close access f
end WriteText2Path

on attributeValue(str)
set retVal to stringReplace("&", "&amp;", str)
set retVal to stringReplace("\"", "&quot;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("<", "&lt;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace(">", "&gt;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("
", "
", retVal)

-- additions for all sorts of characters and umlauts
set retVal to stringReplace("À", "&Agrave;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Á", "&Aacute;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Â", "&Acirc;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Ã", "&Atilde;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Ä", "&Auml;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Å", "&Aring;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Æ", "&AElig;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Ç", "&Ccedil;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("È", "&Egrave;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("É", "&Eacute;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Ê", "&Ecirc;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Ë", "&Euml;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Ì", "&Igrave;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Í", "&Iacute;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Î", "&Icirc;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Ï", "&Iuml;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Ð", "&ETH;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Ñ", "&Ntilde;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Ò", "&Ograve;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Ó", "&Oacute;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Ô", "&Ocirc;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Õ", "&Otilde;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Ö", "&Ouml;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Ø", "&Oslash;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Ù", "&Ugrave;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Ú", "&Uacute;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Û", "&Ucirc;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Ü", "&Uuml;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Ý", "&Yacute;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("Þ", "&THORN;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("à", "&agrave;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("á", "&aacute;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("â", "&acirc;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ã", "&atilde;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ä", "&auml;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("å", "&aring;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("æ", "&aelig;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ç", "&ccedil;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("è", "&egrave;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("é", "&eacute;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ê", "&ecirc;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ë", "&euml;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ì", "&igrave;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("í", "&iacute;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("î", "&icirc;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ï", "&iuml;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ð", "&eth;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ñ", "&ntilde;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ò", "&ograve;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ó", "&oacute;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ô", "&ocirc;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("õ", "&otilde;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ö", "&ouml;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ø", "&oslash;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ù", "&ugrave;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ú", "&uacute;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("û", "&ucirc;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ü", "&uuml;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ý", "&yacute;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("þ", "&thorn;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ÿ", "&yuml;", retVal)
set retVal to stringReplace("ß", "&szlig;", retVal)

return retVal
end attributeValue

on stringReplace(find, replace, subject)
considering case

set prevTIDs to text item delimiters of AppleScript
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to find
set subject to text items of subject

set text item delimiters of AppleScript to replace
set subject to "" & subject
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTIDs

end considering

return subject
end stringReplace[/CODE]

RobTrew 2012-01-31 10:00 AM

For the longer table of higher-code substitutes you could also use numeric encoding.

Something like this, perhaps:
[CODE]on Encode(str)
set lstChars to characters of str
repeat with i from 1 to length of lstChars
set lngCode to id of item i of lstChars
if lngCode > 127 then set item i of lstChars to ("&#" & lngCode as string) & ";"
end repeat
lstChars as Unicode text
end Encode[/CODE]

RobTrew 2012-01-31 11:14 AM

I have updated [URL=""]the original code[/URL] to version 2.0 to allow for encoding of special characters and diacritics.

(I've used a Python library function for the syntactically significant characters, and numerically encoded anything else above 127)

RobTrew 2012-09-05 09:51 AM

Updated the [URL=""]original code in post 4[/URL] removing pre-header space, and adding post-attribute space, for better compatibility with apps like Tree and iThoughts.

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