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matthew.e 2009-06-17 04:11 PM

Bug? Project View -> All Actions
I love the new "All Actions" option in Projects lists, and thats where i want to stay.

However, when i quit out of the app in this view, and reopen, the "All Actions" view is blank, as if i have no actions.

Please fix so it remembers this view, i really, really think you guys did a great job!


Brian 2009-06-17 05:26 PM

Can you give us any more detail on what you're seeing? If I tap "All actions" in either the main project list, in a folder, or in a particular project, the views are populated after a quit and restart.

Maybe it depends on a particular settings configuration? (BTW, if you really do always want to see all actions, you can specify that in settings.)

matthew.e 2009-06-17 05:36 PM

For me, its still on the same "All Actions" screen from when i quit the app but it is blank.

In order to view in this manner again, i have to press the back button (that says Projects), then press "All Actions" again.

My Settings are as follows:
In projects, show:Available
In contexts, show: next

matthew.e 2009-06-18 06:47 PM

For Whatever reason, this is working for me now, the only thing i did today was create a task, once i did that it started correctly showing this view correctly when exiting, and re-entering the app.

matthew.e 2009-06-19 07:11 AM

Actually, the bug is still present.

Here is the low-down:

When viewing only ONE folder of projects with "All Actions" it remembers your view when you shutdown and restart. HOWEVER, i have 2 Folders of Projects (Work and Home). When i view both Folders at the same time with the "All Actions" setting, this is when it comes up with a blank page when re-opening the app.

So in summary it works as designed when only 1 folder is being used.
2 folders, boots you to a blank page.

whpalmer4 2009-06-19 12:57 PM

It's apparently not as simple as that, or there's some crucial detail that I'm not replicating. I've got a folder full of exercise-related projects, including 3 folders. If I go to the Projects view, drill down into the Exercise folder, and tap All Actions, I get the expected view. Tap the Home page button on the iPod, launch the Mail application, tap the Home Page button again, launch OmniFocus, and I get the same view I had, whether I use my settings for Projects/Contexts (Remaining/Available) or yours (Available/Next).

matthew.e 2009-06-19 01:05 PM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;61423]It's apparently not as simple as that, or there's some crucial detail that I'm not replicating. I've got a folder full of exercise-related projects, including 3 folders. If I go to the Projects view, drill down into the Exercise folder, and tap All Actions, I get the expected view. Tap the Home page button on the iPod, launch the Mail application, tap the Home Page button again, launch OmniFocus, and I get the same view I had, whether I use my settings for Projects/Contexts (Remaining/Available) or yours (Available/Next).[/QUOTE]

If you view "all actions" without drilling down in to any folders, close and reopen, what happens? for me i get the "all actions screen, but it is blank.

whpalmer4 2009-06-19 02:32 PM

[QUOTE=matthew.e;61425]If you view "all actions" without drilling down in to any folders, close and reopen, what happens? for me i get the "all actions screen, but it is blank.[/QUOTE]

Well, now, that's an interesting experiment! I go to the OF home page, tap on Projects, tap on All Actions, and get a list of projects and folders with some actions. If I then go to the Mail app and once again reopen OF, I get an All Actions screen populated with plenty of stuff, but it's the one from Contexts!

Ken Case 2009-06-19 03:09 PM

Thanks for helping narrow this down! It's a bug restoring the state of the top level All Actions list in Projects, and we've fixed it for 1.5.1.

matthew.e 2009-06-19 04:15 PM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;61428]Well, now, that's an interesting experiment! I go to the OF home page, tap on Projects, tap on All Actions, and get a list of projects and folders with some actions. If I then go to the Mail app and once again reopen OF, I get an All Actions screen populated with plenty of stuff, but it's the one from Contexts![/QUOTE]


It would make sense that my screen is blank, i dont have\use contexts! :)

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