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johnjj 2008-04-16 01:50 PM

AS - importer for xmind - "released" :)
Hello there,

I was looking for quite a while for an importer for
mindmaps from xmind. Since there wasn't any solution
available I just started with applescript from scratch
last weekend.

The files are compressed xml-files. So it's possible to
adopt this also for freemind.

parsing handlers are finished,
unzipping the xmap-files pending
handlers for importing prepared (projects, tasks, linked files)

I'm totally new to applescript. So if anyone has interest
to join or support - please contact me.

Furthermore - I think, I'll provide the script here for reviewing,
to get a slim and effective script.

regards Udo

p.s. I also think about a exporter to xmind.
Any other suggestions / ideas ?

johnjj 2008-04-27 07:39 AM

xmind2omnifocus - import xmind files as projects
1 Attachment(s)
So here's my script finally

I would really appreciate if someone could have a look at it
regarding performance improving.

Thanks in advance.

joeworkman 2008-05-02 01:49 PM

This is great! I just downloaded it and will give it a try. I am not an applescript programmer at all. Although i do know several other languages.

I just noticed this was for OmniFocus... while this is interesting, I would love to get my maps into OmniGraffle.

dbyler 2008-05-08 07:49 AM

Great work, Udo – I'm very impressed how you pulled data from the XMind file. This script will make it possible for me to brainstorm project structures more effectively. Please do post any updates here!

Note to others: for the script to work, you'll need to create a folder that matches the import_folder property in the script. I renamed it to "XMind" for the sake of simplicity.

Also, [URL=""]blogged[/URL]. :)

johnjj 2008-05-08 11:10 AM


thanks! Regarding your email - I was also thinking to create a folder for
a project. (would mean a subfolder to the import-folder)

Furthermore, for "big" projects I need to implement the possibilty to
import all the sheets of a xmind file.

[U]todo items are:[/U]
- assignment of context (considering already available ones)
- import all sheets of a xmind-file
- improve processing speed (maybe through using terms of)

I think I'll also create a script for freemind.

Input, ideas, requests - all welcome.


joeworkman 2008-07-08 02:19 PM

Do you have an updated version of your XMind import script? I would love to play around with it!

How do I use it? I have never used scripts with Omnifocus...


Well I figured out how to use it. However, it does not seem to work. I am trying to debug it but my applescript is weak at best.

techsavvyguru 2008-07-08 05:14 PM

I think I'll also create a script for freemind.

Input, ideas, requests - all welcome.


I would be interested in working with the Freemind script if you do decide to create it please post it in this thread.



johnjj 2008-07-09 11:04 PM


actually it have been a while. Unfortunately I didn't
had the time to update the script.

But since there is still interest in that one, I'll see what
I can accomplish.

I think I'll find some time at the weekend to review the script
and the todos.

Thanks for the feedback.

bye Udo

gregbd 2008-07-13 08:59 PM

This is very interesting and I will try it out and give you feedback for ideas and observations. Excellent idea.

gregbd 2008-07-13 09:10 PM
The script is asking me to locate the

I tried using spotlight to find it but unable to locate it. Is there something I missed?

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