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kened 2013-04-20 11:47 PM

sidebar styling
in OO3 i like the way that the styling of the main outline hierarchy is reflected in the styling of opened up items in the pullout draw. at the moment, in the new sidebar in OO4, the opened up hierarchy is all the same font, same style; plain text. i would like it to be as it was in OO3, or at least have the ability to select plain, bold, or italic in the sidebar to make all the siblings in one level stand out from their parent and children levels.

i use apple's aperture for organising my photo library - it's the same thing there - and it is sometimes really hard to read the sidebar because all the text is visually undifferentiated.

this isn't merely cosmetic, it really helps me think about the organisation of the outline and the logical organisation of my work. i think it's important. would anyone vote for this?

Cypher 2013-04-21 06:35 AM

I agree. You get visual clues from the styling just as you do from coloured icons in the toolbar. Uniform fonts and grey colours just make everything look bland and similar. In OO3 if I want the inspector I immediately think of click the BLUE icon. In Omnifocus when I want to sync I'm looking for ORANGE

How anyone can think a lack of colour makes a User Interface more intuitive is beyond me :rolleyes:

stillman 2014-04-07 03:46 PM

sidebar styling
I agree. I just started with 004, and the loss of font styles in the 003 sidebar really decreases functionality for me.
I had some outline headers in bold, some underlined, some in red, and that helped me find them.

I hope they fix this!

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