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psidnell 2012-01-20 09:04 AM

OmniFocus, Multitasking Gestures and Fat Fingers
Is anyone else having trouble with the new multitasking gestures? The comment above the switch in the settings begins:

"Use four or five fingers to:"

Ignoring the fact that using five fingers would technically take two hands (yes I am a pedant), the chances of me getting 4 fingers on the screen [B]simultaneously[/B] seem small.

Having a relatively normal human anatomy, some of my fingers are longer than others and one of them is going to hit first. Frequently, the first finger to make landfall will do something bad like complete a task. The OmniFocus UI is pretty dense with active components, so unlike some apps I use there isn't a hand sized safe area I can aim for.

Hopefully the US President doesn't have an iLaunchNukes app.

Maybe I just need to practice my Ninja iPad Claw Hand of MultiTasking.

whpalmer4 2012-01-20 10:00 AM

Is this an observed problem, or a theoretical one? If I put one digit down, on say the Inbox button, or the checkbox for an action, then put the rest of my digits down at random spots on the screen and pinch together, the OF screen image gets smaller and changes to the Home Screen view, without making any changes in OF. Same story with swiping left and right and up and down. However, if you're putting that first finger down on something active, you need to make sure it stays down until the gesture is complete.

psidnell 2012-01-20 10:53 AM

Its the four finger + thumb slide up to reveal running apps gesture that troubles me so.

I think perhaps I have a bouncing pinky - a hereditary disorder that passes down the male lineage.

whpalmer4 2012-01-20 11:18 AM

If you hold the iPad away from your body, it's easier to do the gesture with a flat hand. If that doesn't work, try it upside-down, coming in from the top :-)

psidnell 2012-01-21 02:21 PM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;106373]If that doesn't work, try it upside-down, coming in from the top :-)[/QUOTE]

What is this? Mission Impossible?

Actually I've been practicing and it's better, but some apps just seem to defy me. TaskPaper for example - about one time in three I'll complete or move something. I may just concede defeat an switch apps like it's 2010.

whpalmer4 2012-01-21 03:07 PM

Think smearing mud all over the screen, not plucking out an eyeball :-)

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