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dmw 2011-08-25 08:35 AM

OmniFocus auto launches
OmniFocus is automatically launching. I never seem to see it happen - I haven't noticed a bouncing dock icon, for example. It's possible I just missed it every time it's happened, I suppose. Occasionally, I'll even find two instances of OmniFocus running - two icons in the dock and two menu bar items.

I'm not sure what the cause is, though I admit it could be something I tried to set up in the past to automate my process. Or maybe not. I really don't know.

I've no idea how long this has been going on. I used to leave OF running constantly, until I upgraded to Xcode 4. Now I need all the memory I can get.

I have no folder actions set up, and OF is no longer in my startup items. I recently installed Postbox, which has some OF integration - but as I can't reproduce the problem at will, I can't really test if it's the problem.


[B]Software details[/B]
[INDENT]Product: OmniFocus-1.9.x
Tag: OmniFocus/1.9.2/GM-v77.75.9
Date: 2011-07-14 17:04:26 -0700
OS: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.1 (11B26)
[/INDENT][B]Log messages containing 'OmniFocus'[/B]
8/25/11 8:49:38.085 AM GrowlHelperApp: Auto-discovered registration ticket in OmniFocus (located at /Applications/
8/25/11 8:49:55.651 AM OmniFocus: Running /Applications/ with arguments (
8/25/11 8:50:29.267 AM OmniFocus: Calendar sync: reading calendars
8/25/11 8:50:30.069 AM OmniFocus: Calendar sync: calendars=(...)
8/25/11 8:50:30.069 AM OmniFocus: Calendar sync: finished with status 1
8/25/11 9:02:27.100 AM GrowlHelperApp: Auto-discovered registration ticket in OmniFocus (located at /Applications/
8/25/11 9:02:47.936 AM OmniFocus: Running /Applications/ with arguments (

Brian 2011-08-26 02:12 PM

I seem to remember us getting an email from someone experiencing something like this a few years back. In their case, they'd enabled the OmniFocus mail rule - when mail ran rules on their inbox, it would launch OmniFocus in order to run the applescript that's part of the rule.

Barring that, all I can think of would be a cron job, or an alarm set in iCal that launches the app or something like that...

At the very least, you should be able to fix the 'more than one running copy' issue by doing a spotlight search. Sounds like there's more than one version of the app installed on the Mac - moving the older one or ones to the trash should prevent that part of it, at least.

dmw 2011-08-26 04:40 PM

Thanks for the reply.

I did have a mail rule set to trigger when I received an email with +omnifocus in the name. But I don't think it was the cause since I haven't run Apple's Mail app in months, and neither have I sent myself any such emails. Regardless, I've disabled that rule.

I also have no cron jobs or iCal events set run scripts, and I only have one instance of OmniFocus installed. Odd.

I appreciate your suggestions. Let me know if anything else occurs to you.

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