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smew 2007-05-31 06:27 AM

Import URL from iCal
I would like for iCal sync to import URLs of any attachments, as well as any other info. At this point, I'm using iCal as a connecting platform between MailTags and OF, and this puts the message URL into iCal. It would be great to get it into OF as well.

I know that the notes functionality is not yet developed; just wanted to put this on the radar and get other people's input.

thosta 2007-05-31 09:40 AM

Syncing the iCal URL field to/from OF is the only feature I really miss in the current alpha.

A lot of my computer bound next actions are tied to a webpage or a file on my computer, and since the URL field can link to both of these having a nice sync to a link/attachment field in OF would be perfect.

gofast 2007-06-01 01:06 PM

[QUOTE=thosta]Syncing the iCal URL field to/from OF is the only feature I really miss in the current alpha.

A lot of my computer bound next actions are tied to a webpage or a file on my computer, and since the URL field can link to both of these having a nice sync to a link/attachment field in OF would be perfect.[/QUOTE]

iGTD does this pretty nicely using mail tags from to iCal then syncing - but the program itself doesn't work for me as a GTD - the interface is too busy and there are frankly too many options, which for me counteracts much of the beauty of GTD. For some reason I look at that interface and go all squirrelly thinking I'm missing something somewhere (probably ADD...)

Really well thought out app though with a very active developer - apparently his first Mac app too. But like I said, it's gonna be OF for me....


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