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dave1304 2007-11-06 01:58 AM

Sync with iCal (projects)
Since the new versions I lost the project titles. And worst: when I change the date of a task in iCal und sync with OF the date is changed, but the text of the task disappear. I would really appreciate the "old" version. I have for instance a task which I have to do in two projects. Now I could not see, which project is meant. Please implement the possibility to sync the old way or please explain, how to get the project-titles to iCal!!!

Tinchohs 2007-11-06 07:36 AM

There was another thread where the change of the 'project' in the title was discussed. Other and myself pointed out that we would like for that option to return (ideally as a preference where we can set whether we want the context or project or both, to be part of the title). For me particularly, there is no value in adding the context to the title, but it is fundamental to have the project. Hope this comes back soon.

dave1304 2007-11-06 07:59 AM

Thanks Tinchohs! I found it, but no answer since 11.3.! Obviously we have to wait.

Neill Watson 2007-11-06 08:25 AM

[QUOTE=Tinchohs;24032]There was another thread where the change of the 'project' in the title was discussed. Other and myself pointed out that we would like for that option to return (ideally as a preference where we can set whether we want the context or project or both, to be part of the title). For me particularly, there is no value in adding the context to the title, but it is fundamental to have the project. Hope this comes back soon.[/QUOTE]

Given that the contexts are arranged on the right of iCal and can bee turned on and off, I too see no point in basically repeating the info. The "Project" tag I find vital, though, for reasons already noted.

Let's hope it's back soon.


dave1304 2007-11-06 09:33 PM

They changed it back in the new versions! Thanx!

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