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GMah 2013-05-31 08:28 AM

Omnifocus and huge database? (Does it work well?)
Hi all,

I'm considering making huge change to the way I use omnifocus but before i would like to know if omnifocus will still work great once I've made the change (i don't want to spend my whole afternoon to do something only to spend another one getting back to how it is now).

At the moment I have about 10 folders and 30 project, but I want to upgrade many action that are into actual project to become project themself instead of only action (mostly changing each customer into project instead of each customer being an action with sub-action, since I'm never really done with a customer)...

Therefore my new setting would give me something like 50 some folder and above 400 project with their own sub-action. My concern is that once the change has been made, omnifocus gets real slow, huge sync time and crash often... Is omnifocus designed to work with such a big database or am I seing too big? Anyone work on a day to day basis with that kind of database? Does it work well?


GMah 2013-05-31 08:48 AM

Does adding image (in comment) affect significantly the speed of the app?

Lizard 2013-05-31 09:23 AM

The biggest thing that makes sync times slow is having a client not get synced regularly. If you sync your desktop and phone every day, but only sync your iPad on the weekend, sync will get slow.

Lots of large attachments will also slow down sync speeds.

The number of projects, contexts, actions will eventually slow down sync, but not nearly as fast as those other two things.

GMah 2013-05-31 09:28 AM

Then if understand right the database size I'm looking for should work well with omnifocus (no slowdown beside maybe in sync)?. I plan on very few attachment small jpeg) and only for a temporary project...

NickHibma 2013-06-01 11:44 AM

I've got about 50 folders, 500 projects, 1100 todos, 50 contexts. I archive every month about 200 completed tasks.

Apart from OF2 beta all versions (Mac OS X, iPad, iPhone) cope with that amount no problem.

A bigger issue is to find the tasks you want to do in that quantity of tasks. You tend to get lost. OF does not have tags nor usable flags.


GMah 2013-06-02 12:19 PM

Thanks for the answer. I'll make the leap in the next few hours. As for tags support, I agree that it would be pretty usefull... Integration with adressbook would also help. As for helping me find something I use keyword in comments with a hashtag... It's a form of tagging if you know the specific tag you're looking for...

chrisrkline 2013-06-02 12:30 PM

This is an excellent resource for some tips on how to periodically clean up your database which will speed up syncing. For large databases it has a significant impact.

[URL=""]Speeding Up Omnifocus Synchronization[/URL]

analoggab 2013-06-18 11:20 AM

[QUOTE=Lizard;124796]The biggest thing that makes sync times slow is having a client not get synced regularly. If you sync your desktop and phone every day, but only sync your iPad on the weekend, sync will get slow.

Lots of large attachments will also slow down sync speeds.

So if I have a device I don't use every day it will slow down the other two or only that device will be slow when I pick it again and it will need to sync what was done by the other devices?

Also lots of attachments will slow down sync when they are transferred to the clients for the first time but will it slow them down once the attachments are on the device? Are they still "moved around" so redownloaded again and again as the data changes?

Thanks ! :)

analoggab 2013-06-24 11:01 AM

anyone? Lizard?

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