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RobertKD 2008-02-15 04:48 AM

Snap To Grid Please
Ok I need to ask which part of snap to grid do you not get?

AutoCad gets it, TurboCad gets it, VISIO gets it, Photoshop gets it, but no not Omnigraffle.

Because even after turning off all the attach modes on all the objects the damn line still doesn't snap to grid,... the program seems almost happy to use every second grid or sometimes third grid alignment unless there is something adjacent several gird spacings or more away that is!

This is driving me crazy a simple diagram shouldn't be this frustrating?

OmniGraffle 4.2.2 Please with a little effort this could seriously compete with VISIO

Please fix it,...

Joel 2008-02-15 07:28 AM

Lines don't count if they're connected to a shape, how they wish to connect to the shape or a magnet on the shape supersedes the grid in those cases.

RobertKD 2008-02-15 03:08 PM

Thanks for the reply, however that's my point even if I turn all the magnetics/attach points off on nearby objects and have a line not attached to an object then end of the line still will not attach to a grid point OR if it does it will be every second or sometimes third grid point but not the intermediate grid point. This is with a free standing line object simply trying to draw a line grid point to grid point.

I am also aware of the inconsistent behavior of line object when attached to other shape objects, but I usually work around this by drawing the line the other ay around and terminating on the object.


<edit> typo's

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