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acrafton 2010-08-27 09:47 AM

Do I need the Desktop Version as well?
Hey - new here. This is not a complaint about pricing. . .I am fine with what they are charging. . .

However, I am curious to know how many of you think I need both the desktop version (I am currently in trial mode) and the IPad version (which I bought). I am moving from a Lotus Notes based GTD solution and did most things on my laptop and a bit on my bb (it didn't work well).

I am using both now but can't determine if I really need both. . .


ifonline 2010-08-27 10:30 AM

I would have no idea if [i]you[/i] need the desktop version. Only you would know that. I can tell you how [i]I[/i] use the different versions, if that helps you in any way:
[list][*]Desktop: Most of my processing happens with the desktop version because it is the easiest/quickest to use, especially for heavy processing. I just prefer the large screen, mouse, and physical keyboard.[*]iPhone: I use the iPhone version for when I'm out and need access to my data. Normally, I am only checking off completed tasks or dumping new tasks into the inbox. I very rarely do anything more significant than that on the iPhone.[*]iPad: I use the iPad version when I'm at home or on the road and want to do some light processing away from the computer, or if I am doing my weekly review. The iPad is excellent for the weekly review.[/list]

gopi 2010-08-27 11:41 AM

The desktop version is the easiest for major structural changes, or for moving lots of stuff to lots of different places. The more familiar you are with GTD the less you will need this.

The desktop version also lets you do a few tweaks:
1. Setting up defaults. I can make projects default to un ordered from the desktop, and this is also used by the iPad as a default. There may be others
2. Removing old devices. You have to do a bit of work to remove old devices that you no longer sync if you don't have the desktop. Not hard though.
3. Perspectives. This is the big one. The desktop lets you configure what could best be described as custom searches or views onto your data, which are synced to the iOS apps.

I don't use perspectives much. The only one I use now is a perspective that shows me the "nearby errand" contexts, including tasks that are currently blocked. So, if I'm going to drive to San Francisco, I can see that I have something else to do there - even if the task is blocked because I have to get the thing ready.

I really love the iPad version. I rarely use the desktop anymore. The iPhone version is great but I don't feel it is the same app when you use it alone. It is unlikely you will get the rich structure you get when using the other versions.

curt.clifton 2010-08-27 06:25 PM

I use the desktop when I have a lot of capture to do, like when starting a new role at work or doing a full mind sweep. I use the iPad for daily and sometimes weekly reviews, capture during meetings, and much of my day-to-day execution. I use the iPhone for ubiquitous capture and errands. I would greatly miss any one of these.

Another strength of the desktop app is that it is scriptable. There are a variety of scripts available for automating tasks, like generating projects from templates or performing customized searches that are even more powerful than perspectives. The desktop version also integrates nicely with Apple Mail; search the built-in help for details.

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