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Flounder 2006-04-21 10:16 AM

Speed Download
In addition to OW 5 I also use speed download but sometimes when I come across a file I want to dl I click the link the status indicator kicks in saying that it is loading but neither speed download nor the built in dl manager open up and begin the dl the file. In addition the page the "stops" loading leaving a empty page with the address of the file I wanted to dl in the address bar but no file to be found anywhere. Any suggestions?

troyb 2006-04-21 05:16 PM

Do you have any examples of where this happens?

Flounder 2006-04-21 06:32 PM

[QUOTE=troyb]Do you have any examples of where this happens?[/QUOTE]
Tomorrow I'll try to find a few places this occurs... also note I am using Speed Download 4. I'll put in the links and such

Flounder 2006-04-21 06:36 PM

Actually here is one.


I go to download it and it looks like it's going to download but then the status indication stops and then nothing....

troyb 2006-04-21 10:12 PM

Does this happen if you disable speed download and restart OmniWeb?

Flounder 2006-04-22 06:20 AM

Yea, I just tried it...

xiamenese 2006-04-27 10:20 PM

[QUOTE=Flounder]Yea, I just tried it...[/QUOTE]
I too use OmniWeb and Speed Download. I've just picked up this thread, and have tried your link in OW 5.5sp7 and Speed Download 4. I think the problem with this one is similar to problems there used to be with earlier versions of OW and SD and certain developer's sites. I used to have it with Mariner Software's download site, though that got sorted out a while back.

If you pick up the URL from OW and then add it directly in SD, it downloads no problem. I suspect it is something to do with the coding of the developer's site rather than OW ... there are other sites where what gets downloaded is the .php linked to rather than the file referred to. So really, OG, Yazsoft and Devon need to work together on problems like this one.

Nuisance, I know.

JKT 2006-04-27 10:39 PM

Note to Troy, should he read the thread - could this be related to the "attachment.php" issue I am experiencing with Joel's stencil here at the forums?

To the OP - if you go to the OmniGraffle Extras forum and Joel's Clean Machines thread, what happens if you repeatedly download the stencil he has linked there. For me, it sometimes downloads as attachment.php and other times it downloads as the correct .zip file.

Flounder 2006-04-28 03:48 AM

[QUOTE=JKT]Note to Troy, should he read the thread - could this be related to the "attachment.php" issue I am experiencing with Joel's stencil here at the forums?

To the OP - if you go to the OmniGraffle Extras forum and Joel's Clean Machines thread, what happens if you repeatedly download the stencil he has linked there. For me, it sometimes downloads as attachment.php and other times it downloads as the correct .zip file.[/QUOTE]
I've had that happen t me on several sites where it sometimes will dl and sometimes I'll have to drag the link over to SD to get it to work. Although none of the .php redirect links ever work for me even in OW 5.5

xiamenese 2006-04-28 03:54 AM

[QUOTE=JKT]Note to Troy, should he read the thread - could this be related to the "attachment.php" issue I am experiencing with Joel's stencil here at the forums?

To the OP - if you go to the OmniGraffle Extras forum and Joel's Clean Machines thread, what happens if you repeatedly download the stencil he has linked there. For me, it sometimes downloads as attachment.php and other times it downloads as the correct .zip file.[/QUOTE]

That's one where I got the attachment.php too. I don't [B]need[/B] the stencil, so I haven't bothered to retry to see what happens.


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