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mlgoodson 2006-04-27 03:35 PM

Status Checkbox based formatting
It would be nice if you could automate assign a style based on a value in a specific column (say the status box is checked). I use OO as a ToDo list among other things. Ultimately It would be nice if I could change the line to grey with a strike through (purely cosmetic) insert the current date or date/time into a column. This would allow me to keep much better track of when I did specific tasks.

If this is already possible 1) forgive me and 2) tell me how.


stevietheb 2006-04-28 08:44 AM

If you use kGTD, this is what happens when you Sync. Completed tasks are colored gray and struck-through, and a timestamp is added.

mlgoodson 2006-05-01 09:54 AM

I looked at kGTD and it's definitely slick. I was wanting a way to do this without getting all of the extras that come in the kGTD scripts. My organizing strategy is a bit more "freeform" than GTD (thought largely based on GTD). I looked at the sync script and it seemed complicated to just extract that functionality (though I did look at it for about 15 seconds, so a more thorough examination might be called for). I was ideally looking for a way to do this without using a script, but a script would work. Maybe I'll have to write one.

Minoz 2007-08-28 08:24 AM

Strike Through Is A Strike Out?
I was sorely missing and strongly desiring this same feature. Any other ideas out there on how to implement? (Automatic strike through on clicking check box, with graying text would be cool but strike through first and foremost.) Would be greatly appreciated.

DerekM 2007-08-28 01:18 PM

This completely doable with scripts but you need to run the script each time to update your file like kGTD. If you're looking for an automatic way that works at the same time as checking off the row, then that isn't possible. It's something we're looking to do in a future version though.

gcrump 2007-09-03 12:47 PM

Michael, I was looking for the same capability. Here is a script that I wrote to do that. Derek was a HUGE help in getting this done.

tell application "OmniOutliner Professional"
tell front document
repeat with theRow in (every row whose state is checked)
-- change "done" to the name of your done column
set theDate to value of cell "Done" of theRow
if theDate is missing value then
if (value of cell "Due Date" of theRow is not missing value) then
set value of cell "Done" of theRow to "today"
-- change "due" to the name of the due column
set value of cell "Due Date" of theRow to missing value
remove every named style of style of theRow from named styles of style of theRow
set myStyle to named style ("DoneItem")
add myStyle to named styles of style of theRow
end if
end if
end repeat
set TodaysDate to current date
repeat with theRow in (every row whose state is unchecked)
set theDate to value of cell "Due Date" of theRow
if theDate is not missing value then
remove every named style of style of theRow from named styles of style of theRow
set myStyle to named style ("Overdue")
if theDate < TodaysDate then
add myStyle to named styles of style of theRow
remove myStyle from named styles of style of theRow
end if
-- missing value but unchecked (means I forgot to set a date)
remove every named style of style of theRow from named styles of style of theRow
set myStyle to named style ("Blankdue")
add myStyle to named styles of style of theRow
end if
end repeat
end tell
beep 3
end tell

Schlaefer 2009-09-23 01:04 AM

I really miss conditional formatting at least for Pop-Up List and Checkbox type fields. I often use Numbers now because of this.

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