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jeremymayhew 2008-12-12 05:08 AM

OmniFocus syncing with gMail task list
Google unleashed their "light" task list implementation in gMail yesterday. Any chance we could see synchronization capability between OF and gMailTasks?

whpalmer4 2008-12-12 05:32 AM

Perhaps I'm simply not imaginative enough, but I'm having a little trouble visualizing what the point of having my tasks in two systems would be. Is this for backup access when I don't have direct access to OmniFocus, but do have an internet connection?

jeremymayhew 2008-12-12 05:47 AM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;52401]Perhaps I'm simply not imaginative enough, but I'm having a little trouble visualizing what the point of having my tasks in two systems would be. Is this for backup access when I don't have direct access to OmniFocus, but do have an internet connection?[/QUOTE]
I work in a windows/linux environment where I only have access to OmniFocus via my iPod touch. If I could sync my work related projects to the gMail task list, that would give me localized access to my task lists in my working environment (including cut & paste!). It would also allow me to add email tasks to OF from gMail when I am away from my Mac.

jeremymayhew 2008-12-12 07:26 AM

gMail Task List API
Does anybody know if Google has exposed the task list API yet?

lars.steiger 2008-12-12 10:15 AM

Hi jeremymayhew,

I don't know if it's what you're looking for. But I put a little service called Spootnik ([url][/url]) together which synchronizes Basecamp directly with OmniFocus and vice versa.

There exists also a Google Gadget ([url][/url]) for Basecamp which allows you to view your tasks inside Gmail.

Best regards,

JAA 2009-05-13 04:12 AM

This would be great - it seems like google is doing more + more with this feature - I'd love to see Omnifocus sync with Tasks!!


chriscraig 2009-06-27 03:11 AM

I too would very much like this..

creating tasks straight from gmail would be great

chinarut 2009-07-13 11:52 AM

wow - i'm glad to see others who are interested in this integration.

[QUOTE=jeremymayhew;52402]I work in a windows/linux environment where I only have access to OmniFocus via my iPod touch. If I could sync my work related projects to the gMail task list, that would give me localized access to my task lists in my working environment (including cut & paste!). It would also allow me to add email tasks to OF from gMail when I am away from my Mac.[/QUOTE]

i think more fundamentally, a lot of us are hankerin for some type of web implementation of OmniFocus (can't see to find the thread related to this discussion at the moment...)

I don't know about anyone else, but I'd be willing to give up location-based contexts and the full-project editor if it means something to play with short-term. it would definitely begin to replace my need to use tadalists as a stopgap when I'm on the go.

I do have a concern as to where the "sync engine" would live - I hope it is modeled a bit more closely to a service like Plaxo where it's on the web rather than a challenging experience I am having with something like TimeBridge - great idea but it really doesn't work to sync client-side!

erifneerg 2009-07-14 01:23 PM

bump for feature request. this would make OF a killer app even if it's something simple as syncing to the indox (for a start that is). anyone know if they have an API/etc for it? google task > baseamp -> spoonlink -> OF is too many loops and too many services I'd need to pay for. just google task -> spoonlink -> OF would enuogh for me.

wtmonroe 2009-07-15 06:24 AM

Another vote for a web implementation of OF. This would be very handy.

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