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keypix 2011-11-15 12:29 AM

Expand/Collapse All not working in perspective? [A: resave perspective; see thread.]

I have a Perspective which opens a new Context window, Focused on a folder of Projects. For some odd reason the Collapse All/Expand All menu options does not seem to work.

Wonder if anybody could enlighten me.

Many thanks

RobTrew 2011-11-15 02:59 AM

The Context view is inevitably a flat one - no nesting/hierarchy shown (beyond that revealed by 'Group by Projects')
Different actions in a hierarchy may be assigned to different contexts ...

Planning view is where you can see the sub-project nesting structure.


keypix 2011-11-15 06:04 AM

Thanks Rob, I understand what you are saying but I think my original question may have been worded wrong.

The problem i'm having is that in the Context view, the panel on the right has each of the Contexts with a list of all the Actions for that Context underneath, and so on and so on underneath for each of the different Contexts.

In the default Context view that ships with Omnifocus, I am able to Collapse/Expand the Contexts list using the file menu, however this doesn't seem to work in the Perspective i've made and cannot figure out why.

Greg Jones 2011-11-15 06:45 AM

I suspect that your focus is in the Sidebar. Try command-4 to switch the focus to the main outline as see if that works. If you take a snapshot of your perspective when the focus is in the main outline, the focus setting will be saved with the perspective.

keypix 2011-11-15 01:08 PM

Genius, Greg!

I have the sidebar hidden so hadn't even noticed that it could possibly be the issue.

Thanks, sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees.

Cheers, Kiran

Brian 2011-11-16 01:35 PM

Nice catch, Greg - thanks!

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