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aidanshealy 2010-05-14 12:12 PM

Merging Two Lines
I am pretty new to OmniGraffle and this seems like a pretty easy thing. However, I must be blind to figuring this out.

I would like to combine two lines together into one longer line. However, nothing I do solves this.


The above file shows what I am talking about. There are three different lines, but I would like to combine these lines into one long line. There is a way to do this correct?

I thought about adding midpoints. However, that doesn't get the length of the line the extra size that I want. I would prefer to be able to set the length of each line, then combine all of the points.

Can this be done?

DerekAsirvadem 2010-05-15 05:02 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Why on Earth would you want to do that ?

OG handles lines perfectly. You need to learn to use he tool. You're used to using a hatchet ,now you've got a small, precise chainsaw, but you still want to use it like a hatchet.

1 Change the length of any line:
- by clicking on any end-point (that the same as a mid-point) and dragging it
- select the line and change its dimensions and position in the Properties:Geometry Inspector
2 Change the various aspects of the line (includes double-stroke) using the Style:Lines and Shapes inspector. Learn every property, and its effect, in this inspector.
3 You can really hot on the dance floor if you learn to use Magnets. First understand them on shapes (rectangle, etc), change the number, make your custom Magnets. Then work with Lines, connecting lines to shapes. Then learn that for Lines, every mid-point and end-point is a magnet. My last example show what happens when I pick up the horizontal single line an d move it (the double-stroke is attached it it, at the middle, a mid-point).
4 Depending on your need, you can setup the grid, and have all you end-points and mid-points aligned to it.
5 Drawing what you want with elegance is simple in OG (seconds, no "fiddling" time when you want to make changes). But if you use it like a hatchet, you'll get a broken matchstick diagram. If you really want to draw line fragments, and join them up correctly, which is no problem at all, just slow, you can do that (minutes). But you still need a decent run through the above. Otherwise about 10 min per complex line to draw, [I]plus[/I] unpredictable fiddling time every time you want to change it.

aidanshealy 2010-05-15 06:23 AM

Changing the value of lines
That is why I am writing the board. My problem seems to be that geometry tool only allows for me to make precise lengths with the entire area that the line consumes, and not the individual pieces of the line. If I could figure out how to manipulate the individual lengths of the lines, it wouldn't be a problem.


In the above diagram, you will see a line segment that has a start and end point. However, via the geometry tool, I can only modify the entire box. Not the length of the start and end point to the corner.

Thanks for responding and helping me learn the program.

DerekAsirvadem 2010-05-15 04:54 PM

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My pleasure.

There seems to be something I am missing, we are not on the same wavelength yet. Have you followed my suggestions ? They provide good methods of working with a single line with many mid-points,[I] as well as [/I]complex objects made up of simple line frgaments (which you can manipulate exactly).

[QUOTE]In the above diagram, you will see a line segment that has a start and end point. However, via the geometry tool, I can only modify the entire box. Not the length of the start and end point to the corner.
[/QUOTE](It is a single line, not a box.) I do not understand what the problem is. So in that one step you can't use the Inspector, so what. In [1] above, there are two options: depending on what you want to achieve, one option is better than the other. Just pick up start- (or end-) point and drag it to where you want it to be.

It is simpler than you think.

Make sure you Command-click on the thumbnails below, examine the full detail, and understand the distinction between:
• start-points and selected start-points
• end-points and selected end-points
• mid-points and selected mid-points

DerekAsirvadem 2010-05-15 04:57 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Or double-click anywhere on the line to add another mid-point, then drag the mid- or start- or end-point.

DerekAsirvadem 2010-05-15 04:59 PM

4 Attachment(s)
If you decide you do not want a particular mid-point or the start- or end-point, just select it and hit delete.

aidanshealy 2010-05-15 06:31 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I absolutely understand the difference between a line and a box.

However, what I am saying is this:

1.) View the first attached screenshot. After drawing the line. I have a start (red) and an end (green) with with 4 midpoints. This I have understood completely from the beginning. I understand the ideas behind drawing the lines.

2.) The properties show a X and Y cord (where on the sheet it is placed) and width and height (the total size of the area that the line encompasses). You can see this in the second screenshot. If you modify the width of the object, it changes the area of that the line takes.

3.) What I am looking for is the ability to set the length of a part of the line to an accurate length. Lets say I want the end (red) to the first mid-point (upper right hand corner) to be .25 inches. I cannot do that. I cannot even find a way to see the length of the line when I am creating it. If I could see each of these, there wouldn't be much of a problem.

Or, am I just completely missing a certain window that shows this data?

DerekAsirvadem 2010-05-16 06:16 AM

Ok, I understand that you understand the basics of lines.

[QUOTE]What I am looking for is the ability to set the length of a part of the line to an accurate length. Lets say I want the end (red) to the first mid-point (upper right hand corner) to be .25 inches. I cannot do that.[/QUOTE]Well, yes you can, you just need to learn OG. Not just the Lines & Shapes inspector. Never say "can't" it truncates your own ability to find out how you can.

Have you used the grid, and played with it. I think not. From your examples, you have maybe the Major set, that's all. Go to the Canvas:Grid Inspector. Ok, you can't choose your unit of measure, it is set to inches. First choose the minimum unit, the integral building block for your diag (I chose 0.2 cm; you might choose 1/8 inch). Set that up in the Inspector. Play with it; you might chose major at 1 inch and Minor at 1/8; or 2 and 1/16th (which gives you 1/8 increments, each minor grid square). Whatever, bit notice you want the integral building block, the increments of your line lengths. Now snap to grid, and Align to Grid; choose Edges for now. Now choose everything on your canvas, and Align to Grid.

Now remember, [I]you[/I] are doing the drawing, not OG, and you are [I]using OG[/I] set up for what you want to draw. Use a magnification that is relevant to your line-object. View Rulers, notice the tracking on the Ruler as you draw.

Start drawing. Be careful to always place the start-, end- or mid-points on the Grid. If any of them do not automatically snap to grid, choose the point and Align to Grid. Given that you are using a scale, Major, and Minor that is meaningful to you, that you can easily compute in your head, you should be able to easily determine any line length, as you are drawing (I certainly do, all the time; I keep track of things like "I want three Magnets, so I want the width of this thing to be divisible by 2 producing an even result so it will Snap to Grid", which mind you, is a damn sight easier in metric).

At the magnification that is relevant for your object, you should be able to count the minor grid squares easily. If you have difficulty, keep track of your start/stop coordinates on the Rulers.

And really, for me anyway, it is no big deal to draw a separate line fragment (with no midpoints), checking the Lines and Shapes Inspector; then place that line fragment next to the line object; and draw the next step in the line object relative to the line fragment; then discard the line fragment.

aidanshealy 2010-05-17 05:10 AM


DerekAsirvadem 2010-05-18 05:24 AM

My pleasure. It is a seriously great tool.

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