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Jor_is 2008-02-26 10:48 AM

Change an existing layer into a shared layer
Just wondering....

I can't seem to find the option to change an existing layer into a shared layer.

Am i overlooking something or is this option not available in beta 7 of Omnigraffle?

Any chance of this appearing in beta 8?

Joel 2008-02-26 10:58 AM

I'm afraid it won't be happening for 5.0 at all, however we do have this a as a feature request in our tracking database, and I've gone ahead and added your comments to that entry.

Jor_is 2008-02-28 12:26 PM

[QUOTE=Joel;33530]I'm afraid it won't be happening for 5.0 at all, however we do have this a as a feature request in our tracking database, and I've gone ahead and added your comments to that entry.[/QUOTE]

OK, thanks!

marc 2008-03-22 06:58 AM

fwiw I'll second this, as a highly desirable feature.

bluegreensmoke 2008-12-19 02:22 PM

Wow. Please release this one soon. Seems wild to have to create a new shared layer and then have to copy and paste another layer's contents into it.

chunkstyle 2012-03-17 01:05 PM

This would be a GREAT feature to have! I notice this thread is pretty old, any chance it's activated since then?

RobTrew 2012-03-18 12:46 PM

In practice, you can effectively do this by assigning an applescript to a key-stroke using something like Keyboard Maestro or Fastscripts.

The following, for example, makes a shared duplicate of the bottom layer of the selected canvas. (And once you were happy with how it worked, you might choose to uncomment the [I]delete[/I] line, to discard the original non-shared copy ...)

[CODE]tell application id "OGfl"
tell canvas of front window
set oLayer to last layer

set oShared to make new shared layer at end of layers
duplicate graphics of oLayer to end of graphics of oShared
-- delete oLayer
end tell
end tell[/CODE]

chunkstyle 2012-03-19 08:11 PM

A workaround (kind of)
Thanks for the scripting advice, always good to know.
My super fun tips are below.

[I]Turning a layer into a shared layer (not really possible, but you can fake it)[/I]
When I wish i would've made a layer into a shared layer, I just lock everything else down but the layer i want to make shared. do a 'select all' then copy and paste onto the new shared layer, the items (in my experience) seem to paste into place. This obviously isn't a trick, more of a procedure really.

[I]Creating a new distributed shared layer[/I]
The (not really a) trick is that if you want to share a layer over every layer you have without dragging it all around, just do it once, then right click and duplicate that layer. the duplicate will also be distributed as the original was and you can just delete the content while retaining the behavior.

mupinkz 2012-03-19 10:10 PM

Thanks you RobTrew
It work great!.

I wish this features will be in next OG

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