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BonafideBM 2008-07-04 10:22 PM

OmniFocus for Android [Very unlikely; certainly no plans in foreseeable future.]
Just the question, really: Will there be an Android counterpart to the iPhone OmniFocus app?

BwanaZulia 2008-07-05 03:52 AM

I am not from OmniGroup, but my big guess is no. OmniGroup is a OSX development shop, not a Linux/Mobile developer.

Besides, at this point the iPhone exists works and is a great device, Android is still vapor.


Toadling 2008-07-05 10:34 AM

Yeah, I'm with BZ. I think it's pretty unlikely. But who knows?


BonafideBM 2008-07-08 08:45 PM

Can somebody from Omni Group answer this question - will OmniFocus get an app for Android-based cell phones?

(I don't know, but I just assume there is synchronization between the iPhone and Mac versions of OmniFocus. I, too, would like to have my GTD system on-the-go. That was the reason I found myself not using OmniFocus - because it was always back home when I was at the grocery store or running errands across the county. (1) Put it in my hand and I utilize it. (2) The only way to put it in my hand is via my cell phone. And, alas, an iPhone is not an option (but an Android-based phone will be, for Sprint & T-Mobile users). So this is why I ask.)

Lizard 2008-07-08 10:23 PM

I am not aware of any plans at Omni to make an Android version of OmniFocus. You may want to investigate the OmniFocus website extra or syncing OmniFocus with Toodledo. Both of these are discussed frequently in the OmniFocus extras forum: [url][/url]

dconjar 2008-07-18 08:42 AM

Looking to the future - Android App?
I am currently an iPhone user and am enjoying the iPhone and desktop interfaces for OF. I really thought that Apple would be poised to compete with Google Apps with the release of MobileMe, but it wound up being more of the same.

I'm much more reliant on Google than I am on Apple, and I only use Apple's features, like Mail, iCal, and Address Book, because I need my Google calendar, mail, and contacts to sync to my iPhone. To achieve this sync, I have to pay for software like SpanningSync and also do manual syncs with my iPhone, but it still seems like a better value than MobileMe.

My question - is Omnigroup planning to make an Android application? With devices planned to launch later this year, is there any planning or development for an Android application?

dconjar 2008-07-18 09:09 AM

I actually just posted a thread about this and didn't know the issue was previously discussed.

When new Android-enabled phones start to emerge (HTC Dream?) within the upcoming months, I will definitely consider an iPhone replacement. I still rely on several Google services, and I think that MobileMe is not poised to compete in the web sector. Android offers awesome possibilities. It's like comparing Safari to Firefox. Safari is a major part of the OS, but Firefox 3.0 is faster and functions better than Safari, Camino, Opera, IE, etc. It took a few years of plugin development, but Firefox has the crown now.

I definitely think OF should consider developing an Android app.

[B]@BonafideBM[/B]: The 2.0 unlock kit for the iPhone is probably available by now. I know the 2.0 software was jailbroken before the new iPhone software was launched. I believe that it allows you to purchase iPhone applications from the App Store (like OF), but you don't need an AT&T contract. It's something to look into.


Toadling 2008-07-18 10:45 AM

The Google apps are nice, but what really makes the MobileMe suite attractive over Google's offerings is its tight integration with the Mac desktop and iPhone environments. I also prefer the look-and-feel of Apple's design vision. The cost of MobileMe is also negligible (at least for me). The $100 per year price comes out to only about $0.28 per day.

[QUOTE=dconjar;41560]Safari is a major part of the OS, but Firefox 3.0 is faster and functions better than Safari, Camino, Opera, IE, etc.[/QUOTE]

I will grant you that Firefox has more plugin capabilities and that it's probably easier to extend, but Firefox faster than Safari? Is that claim based on your personal observations or do you have some actual evidence? Most of the tests I've seen show Safari/Webkit on top in performance, and that supports my personal observations as well.

But don't get me wrong, Firefox 3 is a great browser, and I do use it on occasion. But I still prefer Safari (or OmniWeb) as my primary browser.

But what do these choices (Google apps vs. MobileMe and Firefox vs. Safari) have to do with OmniFocus being available on Android? Couldn't the iPhone (and OmniFocus) integrate with Firefox and the Google apps without resorting to Android?

If the Omni Group thinks there's a viable market for an Android version of OmniFocus, and it doesn't significantly detract from their Mac and iPhone development, then I say go for it. It doesn't really concern me.

However, I have serious reservations over the whole Android platform that make me think that an "OmniFocus for Android" is unlikely. [URL=""]Gruber[/URL] and [URL=""]herenot[/URL] do a good job covering the salient points.


gtdToday 2008-07-18 05:40 PM

Google does search and Web apps swell.

N one on the planet will touch the quality of the iPhone in the next five years. If Google tries a phone on their own they will crash like Icaurus. Rely on others to build the gear and we know where that ends up.

Why would someone on this forum even ask a question about android here unless they were a troll, trying to prop up an initiative that is already doomed to fail?

slinberg 2008-08-25 05:32 AM

[QUOTE=gtdToday;41622]If Google tries a phone on their own they will crash like Icaurus.[/QUOTE]

Yikes! Have you alerted Google about this? They might not have heard!

[QUOTE=gtdToday;41622]Why would someone on this forum even ask a question about android here unless they were a troll[/QUOTE]

I don't know... maybe because they're genuinely interested?

It's great that you like your iphone. Expecting the rest of the world to validate your choice by making the same one is not rational behavior, and discussion of alternatives is not trolling.

I would be very interested in a version of OF for Android. I have many reservations about the iphone and Apple's tight control over it.

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