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nggalai 2007-12-12 09:37 AM

Syncing with iCal: The BLURB audio feedback horror
Hi there,

perhaps I’m just a bit on the nervous side, but that bloody audio BLURB every time I synchronise with iCal is driving me nuts. Not only me, but my girlfriend sitting at her PC next to me jumps up from her chair every time that BLURB sounds from my Mac.

Could we make audio feedback a preference item, pretty please?



coconino 2007-12-12 09:52 AM

Especially when it comes through the hi-fi.

bokonon38 2007-12-13 05:13 AM

Especially when it comes through the hi-fi and you synchronize frequently...
the sound is EVIL!

nggalai 2007-12-13 05:54 AM

Sorry for having sounded a bit annoyed yesterday evening, but after playing around with sync settings all afternoon I simply couldn’t bear it any more.

I am all for audio alerts, some people find it useful and that’s fine with me. But I personally can’t stand it and would hate to have to mute my Mac every time I’m working in OF …

I prefer Growl alerts any time. And as OF already has rudimentary Growl support, why not send a Growl alert after a successful sync? Or, well, there’s this HUD coming up while syncing anyway, so perhaps a one-second „Sync successful“ after the spinning wheel thingy?


pvonk 2007-12-13 06:28 AM

Well, for me the sound comes through as a gentle bleep. How loud do you have your speaker set to?

nggalai 2007-12-15 12:31 AM

Yay! It’s gone!

[quote=release notes] We now honor the "Play user interface sound effects" checkbox in the Sound preference pane of System Preferences.[/quote]



P. S. pvonk: Loud enough to have some low-key music playing in iTunes, so not all that loud at all.

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