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jredutto 2013-05-18 04:39 AM

Enter in a Project from search
My name is Jean and I'm an Ipad and Iphone user Apps, 90% of time on ipad app.
I've a lot of number of projects more than two hundreds (I use for personal and business projects) and I'd like enter in a project (It happens If I want to check if I've already inserted a task or not, or in general to have a view of the task inside), and It's uncomfortable to enter in personal or business folder and run through all the task to look for the project I'm interested.

I've tried with the search function (top right corner) but It find the project and let me to open the propeties but non enter on it and see all the tasks present.

Has anyone a different solution to look for a project, enter on it and see all the task quickly ?

Thank in advance for the support.



markcsg 2013-07-16 07:29 AM

Feature request / How to navigate to the project or folder directly after finding it from search
How would I navigate directly to a project in the folder hierarchy after a search?

I think my query is related to the question from jredutto:

[B]An example of my issue:[/B]
[LIST=1][*]I decide I want to edit the review date for a project, but cannot remember exactly where it is in the folder hierarchy. [*]I search for it using part of the project name.[*]I identify the project in the results list and open it.[*]Although I can amend the project, I am not offered the review function when I press on the project, or by using any other way.[*]I decide to locate the project from the home page, but I'm still none the wiser on where it is. There is apparently no way to navigate directly to it in its folder location, or be told its location, even when I have found it via search.[/LIST]
[B]Feature request[/B]

Something like the 'arrow' navigation button which already exists within an action, to take me directly to the project would be useful.


fairydreams 2013-07-16 08:06 AM

I too would love to know if there is a way of doing this that I have missed...

markcsg 2013-07-16 08:16 AM

If others would find this useful (and we haven't missed something obvious), then please add a comment here.


Greg Jones 2013-07-16 09:10 AM

1. Search for the project using the magnifying glass icon in the upper right portion of the screen.

2. In the list of returned search results, click and hold on the desired project name in the list.

3. Select 'Focus' from the pop-up contextual menu.

markcsg 2013-07-16 09:27 AM

Ah ha ... that is exactly it. We have missed something (albeit, not [I]completely[/I] obvious).

Now that you point it out, I recall having seen it way back sometime.

Many thanks Greg.

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