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-   -   Double-click for Focus in New Window gone? [A: v1.9 changed to Option-Double Click.] (

bjornkri 2011-04-19 12:05 AM

Double-click for Focus in New Window gone? [A: v1.9 changed to Option-Double Click.]
I use this feature a lot to get from my Next Actions list to the project view, but now when I double-click a task, nothing happens.

Is it just me? I'm not sure it stopped working after an update, or just randomly.

AMM 2011-04-19 04:27 AM

[QUOTE=bjornkri;96079]I use this feature a lot to get from my Next Actions list to the project view, but now when I double-click a task, nothing happens.

Is it just me? I'm not sure it stopped working after an update, or just randomly.[/QUOTE]
Try Option + Single Click. I think this changed with v1.9.

whpalmer4 2011-04-19 06:33 AM

[QUOTE=AMM;96088]Try Option + Single Click. I think this changed with v1.9.[/QUOTE]

It did, but it is now option-double click, not single click. Or, right-or-control click and use the Focus in New Window option from the contextual menu.

bjornkri 2011-04-28 09:53 PM

Ah, great, that does the trick. I really should have looked at the release notes, it's clearly stated in there...


aukirk 2011-06-13 03:59 AM

Would be nice to have a keyboard shortcut for this.

For some reason, the option-double click doesn't always work for me (or it is slow to open the window). I usually right click and choose "Focus in New Window" but it would be great to get a keyboard shortcut.

Unfortunately there is not a version of option-command-R that opens it in a new window instead of changing your current window to the project view.

skillet 2011-06-30 01:56 PM

[QUOTE=aukirk;98520]Would be nice to have a keyboard shortcut for this.

For some reason, the option-double click doesn't always work for me (or it is slow to open the window). I usually right click and choose "Focus in New Window" but it would be great to get a keyboard shortcut.


I agree this would be very helpful, is there anyway to have the selected action in context view focus in a new window?

RobTrew's script almost does the trick

jbrown 2011-07-06 11:20 AM

Sorry, late to the party here! In OmniFocus 1.9.1, we added a hidden default for this. You can install the 1.9.1 Sneaky Peek builds [URL=""]here[/URL].

To restore the old behavior (double-click to focus), open up Terminal and enter the following command:

defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniFocus DoubleClickToFocusRequiredModifierKeyFlags -int 0

Hope this helps!

skillet 2011-07-06 01:12 PM

Thanks jbrown, I came across this the other day but then read "Sneaky peeks are not for the faint of heart!" and I got too scared.

Does running that terminal command in 1.9 work or is the point that you have to have 1.9.1 for that to work? I tried running it but I don't think it did anything.

jbrown 2011-07-06 04:09 PM

Right- that command only works in 1.9.1. FWIW, we haven't come across any show-stopping bugs in the Sneaky Peeks, but it's totally understandable if you'd rather wait for the official update!

skillet 2011-07-07 06:49 AM

Sounds good I will likely give it a go, thanks for the post.

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