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ctobola 2008-10-31 10:06 AM

Trouble upgrading to 1.5 - worth it?
I'm having trouble with a 1.0x => 1.5 upgrade, and would appreciate feedback.

Previously, I stored the Omnifocus.ofocus file on a WebDAV disk [rather than on my local drive], which seemed to work okay to use OF from multiple computers. (Even though it was slow, it was easy enough to open the Omnifocus.ofocus file rather than simply opening the application.)

I was assuming that I could simplify this process with the sync features in 1.5... but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Whenever I open the OmniFocus 1.5 application directly, it opens a new database. I can get it to open the database stored on the WebDAV drive, but then the sync does not seem to work -- the OmniFocus.ofocus continues to be an "external file" with its filename listed at the top of the window. When I close it and reopen the application, I get a fresh document again.

I've also tried exporting my old data from OF, and then re-importing it. [Why doesn't OF recognize an OF-exported file as a valid OF import format?]

Should I stick to the old system (of storing/opening OmniFocus.ofocus on the WebDAV drive), or is there a way to get my information imported into OmniFocus and use the sync [to disk] feature to synchronize across multiple computers.

I'd prefer to keep this as simple and reliable as possible.

TIA! -c

JKT 2008-10-31 10:53 AM

Why not move/copy the old Omnifocus.ofocus file off the WebDAV drive into its default location, point OmniFocus 1.0.3 at that copy as the database, then upgrade to 1.5?

The new synching features will negate the need for you to store it on your WebDAV drive by default and presumably the upgrade of the database would be less troublesome.

Brian 2008-10-31 02:44 PM

Yeah, if you quit OmniFocus, then move the .ofocus file from the WebDAV server into
<your home folder>/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus
things should go much more smoothly.

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