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Ward 2008-12-05 02:30 PM

Can't display MacUpdate Promo home page
MacUpdate recently put up a new [URL=""]MacUpdate Promo home page[/URL] at <[URL=""][/URL]>. Since then, OmniWeb 5.8 displays a blank window and perpetual spinning activity gear. This has been going on for a couple of days.

Safari 3.2.1 and Firefox 3.0.4 display the new page.

Having OmniWeb spoof as Firefox for Mac doesn't help. (I was able to do this by getting the URL for an interior mupromo page and opening this page in OmniWeb to get access to site-specific preferences.)

Before I fire off a bug report in some direction, I'd like to see if others are seeing the problem. Please take a moment and try visiting the [URL=""]MacUpdate Promo home page[/URL].


-- Ward

whpalmer4 2008-12-05 02:43 PM

Page loaded fine for me with 5.8 Sneaky Peek 1.


JD3 2008-12-05 05:27 PM

Before I fire off a bug report in some direction, I'd like to see if others are seeing the problem. Please take a moment and try visiting the [URL=""]MacUpdate Promo home page[/URL].


-- Ward[/QUOTE]

I am having the same problem. OW 5.8 on Leopard.

mrglsmrc 2008-12-05 05:47 PM

also had a problem with macupdate. it seemed to time out.
the spinning asterisk kept moving but i knew this was bogus because i have littlesnitch running on my screen and saw no incoming data through omniweb.
this problem went away about 5 or 6 hours after the new offer was posted. i had assumed that it's server related.
i also had problems with <> on black friday which i resolved by placing a phone order. i assume net traffic was higher than a lot of servers were designed to handle for these merchants.
i hadn't considered this an OW problem until you mentioned it here.
i am using ow5.8. did someone say there's a new sneaky peak? where can i get it?

Ward 2008-12-05 06:18 PM

Also hangs with OmniWeb 5.6 and 5.7
whpalmer4 reported success with 5.8 SP1. Since JD3 and I are running 5.8 Final on 10.5, I thought it might be something in just the latest release.

However, OmniWeb 5.6 and 5.7 both fail.

mrglsmrc reported "a problem with macupdate. it seemed to time out." Let's make sure we're all talking about the same page. Regular MacUpdate pages ( are working fine; likewise, interior MacUpdate Promo page ( are working fine. It's just the new, colorful [URL=""]MacUpdate Promo home page[/URL] that's failing to appear.

Before attempting another display of this problem page, I opened OmniWeb's Error Log and the OS X Console > All Messages log -- no clue in either one.

-- Ward

whpalmer4 2008-12-05 09:25 PM

Works fine for me on 10.5.5 with OW 5.8 (v622.3.0.105198) now as well. I have very little customization done to my settings, perhaps that could be a factor.

troyb 2008-12-10 06:46 AM

This actually sounds like an issue that came up in another thread. Do those of you having trouble use a User Style Sheet? If you turn this off in page appearance and restart OmniWeb does the problem go away?

You may even go one step further and create a new empty CSS file and use this instead of your existing Style Sheet.

Any luck?

Ward 2008-12-10 07:04 AM

[QUOTE=troyb]Do those of you having trouble use a User Style Sheet?[/QUOTE]
I've never tried a User Style Sheet.

I do have a heavily customized Mac OS X. So there may be some conflict that affects OmniWeb + this one page. On the other hand, I'm seeing the problem on my much more basic iBook running 10.4.11.

-- Ward

troyb 2008-12-10 07:36 AM

It certainly seems to be working okay for me here. Is there anything showing up in your activity window (via the Window menu)?

Ward 2008-12-10 08:13 AM

Gone from a hard failure to intermittent
[QUOTE=troyb]Is there anything showing up in your activity window (via the Window menu)?[/QUOTE]
I didn't think to try that. (It's my first action when debugging Mail glitches.)

When I attempt to display [url][/url], this line instantly appears in the Network Activity window:
[INDENT]Unknown Document <>[/INDENT]
... with a blue dot at the right margin and "Status: Sending request"; "Progress:" is blank.

When the page load eventually times out, the Status changes to "timed out", and then the line disappears.

Wait!!! While I was trying this again to get the precise text, the "Unknown" message was stuck in the Activity window ... and suddenly there was a flurry of messages in the Activity window ... and the page appeared!

Reload several times repainted the page quite quickly.

I did a Flush Cache and tried again - timed out; Reload - timed out; Reload - the page appeared; Flush Cache and try again - timed out; Reload - the page appeared.

When the page first appears after previous time outs, it sometimes appears right away and other times seems to be headed for a time out.

I wonder if this is a problem with the Web server and the ever-changing path to this server?

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