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andreas_g 2006-07-21 02:57 AM

ow 5.5 beta 1 doesn't warn when quitting while downloading
in omniweb 5.5 beta 1 it is possible to quit omniweb while having a download in progress without getting the usual warning.
i was downloading a webkit nightly. resuming the download also didn't work (it restartet from the beginning)

Forrest 2006-07-21 07:26 AM

Does 5.1.3 do this?

andreas_g 2006-07-21 07:39 AM

i don't know if it does for this specific download. but generally omniweb 5.1.3 and 5.5 sneakypeeks warned me that a download is in progress before quitting.

Dr. Smoke 2006-07-24 03:09 PM

A "Confirm Quit" preference would be nice...
With the proximity of the Q and W keys on a QWERTY keyboard, I've suggested several times to the OW developers to have a preference enabling one to indicate if one wants to confirm Quit.

While browsing, I've accidentally pressed Command-Q vs. Command-W more times than I care to remember, thinking I was closing a browser window only to see OW quit entirely, closing a slew of windows I was using in the midst of some research. I've not accidentally pressed Command-Q during a download, but it is really annoying to do it in the midst of research.

If memory serves, Opera had a preference to confirm Quit for this very reason.

I truly wish they would implement this — for me, long-standing — requirement for a "Confirm Quit" preference.

Handycam 2006-07-24 05:39 PM

Doc, you should try using workspaces when you're doing research. If you set it to auto-save, you can get back what you were looking at when you quit accidentally, I believe.

And I do the command-q-when-I-meant-W more times than I can count -- in many apps! :-)

Bob Williams 2006-07-24 11:55 PM

I've used the Keyboard & Mouse pane of System Preferences to change the keyboard shortcut for the Quit command in all of my browsers to cmd-ctl-opt-Q. Keeps me from accidentally quitting while also keeping them all the same.

Dr. Smoke 2006-07-25 02:02 PM

I appreciate the suggested workarounds, but this is just such a simple thing, at least one "competitive" browser offers it, and the OW folks have been superb about incorporating user suggestions that one would think a "Confirm Quit" preference would be in OW by now. The preference could even be turned off by default so that those who don't want to use it need not be bothered by the confirmation.

Forrest 2006-07-25 02:04 PM

It has happened a few times that I've quit while downloading. Generally it happens when I'm downloading a few GB. So I'd like this "feature" as well.

Bob Williams 2006-07-25 02:16 PM

Don't misunderstand me - I definitely would like to see the feature as well. I was just passing along a tip to work around the problem until such time that OG adds it. The feature is a little less critical in OW than in other browsers, since OW saves your tabs, but as not all tabs can be saved, I think it still very much warrants attention.

Forrest 2006-07-25 02:19 PM

In my case, I don't quit OW by accident. I quit it when I want to quit it (or it quits itself.) So changing the keyboard commands wont help. What happens is I forget about a download I started hours earlier and a new SP comes out. In my excitement, I quit and forget about the DL.

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