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garyduke 2009-02-04 08:07 AM

OmniFocus Project Names Corrupted
For months now I've been dealing with corrupted Project names in OMNIFOCUS that look sort of like this:

WKhiKP("Major ProjectshiKPP...etc.

This link below shows them in context.


The names show up correctly in Project View. They also first appear accurately in Context View and (Inbox) but when I click on the pull down menu I see garbage, which then persists in what was formerly appearing properly.

I've tried replacing my preference files, rebuilding the database, even reinstalling the application. Nothing works.

Lucas 2009-02-04 08:22 AM

You probably want to send a note to the support ninjas through [email][/email].

Brian 2009-02-04 11:58 AM

Hmmm... if you select the "All items" perspective and the project names appear correctly in the sidebar of project view, then I'm not sure exactly what's going on here. If you zip up your database and send it to the support ninjas (using the address in the previous post) we'll try to figure out what's going on here. I'm sorry for the trouble that's causing!

garyduke 2009-02-04 02:30 PM

An Issue for Technical Support
Thanks for the advice to send this to the ninjas. I was trying to be a good little boy and see if anything popped up here. :)

LewF 2009-03-30 06:32 AM

Cannot pull up sidebar in project view
Am a relative newbie but have RTFM.
How do you pull up the sidebar in project view? I have a list of all projects but cannot get a sidebar view. Have gone to "View" menu and invoked "Show in Sidebar" but nothing changes.
Do others find this interface somewhat clumsy?

curt.clifton 2009-03-30 07:03 AM

I don't see a "Show in Sidebar" command in the View menu. Perhaps you mean "Go to Sidebar"? That just changes the keyboard focus so you can navigate the sidebar outline or the main outline without mousing.

Can you post a screen shot of what you are seeing? Do you have the sidebar collapsed? That is, do you see a ~6 pixels wide bar on the left edge of the window with a small dot in the middle of it? Collapsed sidebars are a standard Mac interface feature. Just drag the bar to the right to reveal the panel.

LewF 2009-03-30 08:31 AM

Thanks for the fast reply.
I'm attaching two screens. The first is my project screen. I can't seem to pull up the sidebar. [url][/url]

The second is a screen with [I]one[/I] project, "Reading" that I inadvertently pulled the sidebar up on (don't know how); but I can't get [I]all[/I] projects to show in this view.
Still trying to get the hang of navigation. Thanks for help.

Lucas 2009-03-30 09:08 AM

For screen 1, it looks like you want to drag that little dot that is halfway down the left hand side.

For screen 2, click the "Show All" in the toolbar.

whpalmer4 2009-03-30 10:49 AM

The second is a screen with [I]one[/I] project, "Reading" that I inadvertently pulled the sidebar up on (don't know how)[/QUOTE]
Lew, if you double-click on an action or project, it will bring up a new window focused on that item. This is very handy when you want to "narrow" your view to just the stuff in one project (but still want to be able to look at it in the context view), or if you see an action in the context view and want to be able to see the whole project, but nothing else. You can also do this by using cmd-cntrl-F, or there's a Focus button you can install in the toolbar if you customize it (View->Customize Toolbar), or use the View->Focus on <project or selection> menu item, or right-click to bring up the contextual menu which has a Focus option. I'd guess the double-click route is the most likely route by which you might have accidentally focused. The window title changes when you focus on something to help keep you from panicking about the apparent loss of most of your projects :-)

PatrickH 2009-04-01 01:53 PM

[QUOTE=garyduke;54687]For months now I've been dealing with corrupted Project names in OMNIFOCUS[/QUOTE]I just had the same thing happen today. I sent my database to the ninjas. Has anyone else had this problem. Gary, were you and the ninjas able to find a solution?

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