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Jason Huck 2009-03-01 03:05 PM

Import Row Numbers from Outliner via Diagram Style?
Is there some way to have objects created via a Diagram Style in Graffle auto-numbered based on the row numbers from the original Outliner document?

If not, consider it a feature request!

sloppyjoe 2009-03-12 07:39 AM

Let me second this feature request.

I don't think there is a way to do this currently. There was a note somewhere on Google that Omni had this as an existing feature request in 2006 but it doesn't seem to have materialized in Graffle 5.

This would make Graffle an indespensible tool for information architects everywhere!

markbaynes 2009-10-13 06:35 AM

Can I third it?
I am sure there are loads of other IAs and UX people out there who would love this feature!

OG Pro rocks!



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