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gray49 2006-07-23 10:46 AM

Hello all,
This is my first post...And I hope this in not an inappropriate question.
I am using the Beta 1 v601...Can anyone show me a link to a tutorial
for workspaces...No matter what I do, I can't seem to figure out how
to use them properly...The workspaces change everytime I use them
and I have to restore photo...Is that normal?...Or am I doing something
wrong when I set up a workspace? Is the behavior different in an
unlicensed version (which I am using)? More than 1 question...Thank
you in advance for any help...I am enjoying using the browser very

takeeverything 2006-07-23 12:30 PM

I have th esame problem. I have a default workspace setup, with a couple of sites saved and the bookmark manager open in a tab and my window sized how i like it. This workspace starts up fine when i start the program for the first time. Then if i close the window, but dont quit the program, and then open a new browser and select the above mentioned workspace it forgets my settings, it loses the window size, one of the saved tabs and the bookmark manager. This is hugely annoying, i am a hairs bredth away from going back to firefox.

takeeverything 2006-07-23 12:35 PM

Update, Just tried what you said about restoring the snapshot, This restores my workspace settings, but its gonna bug the hell out of me that i have to do this every time i start a browser window,,,, someone help us!@!!

Maurice Ravel 2006-07-23 01:25 PM

I'm watching this thread with interest because as it happens I'm trying to figure out workspaces myself.

I think I am getting there but I've only been using OmniWeb for a day so I don't expect to understand all of it.

It looks like the "snapshot" is the defining moment when a workspace configuration is "saved". You can continue changing the windows etc. but if you click on that snail like icon (I think it's suggesting "rewind") then it takes you back to the moment you took your snapshot.

It strikes me as being a fairly good way to do it.

On the other hand it could be that I've completely misunderstood the thing…

No doubt a seasoned OmniWeb user will be along soon to correct me:)

As an aside my attraction to OmniWeb has been the quality of the bookmark management which is very good. There are numerous other niceties about it as well.

For a while I had the earlier PPC version as a demo but it was slow running on Rosetta on my Intel iMac, so now I've got the universal beta and it seems to be fast indeed which is good news, so I've bought it.

vinceleers 2006-07-23 01:58 PM

Thanks Maurice, I think you got it right... I didn't have the patience to try to fully understand the feature. But now it seems so obvious to me!
My own approach was always to create a new workspace by clicking the plus button [b]after[/b] I did something specific. By that I wanted to save the current workspace under a new name. But the trick is to create a new workspace [b]before[/b] browsing on a new subject and to name it after that new subject.

mapsparc 2006-07-23 02:54 PM

I've been using Workspaces for quite awhile. I have about 25 of them, each one with a unique set of tabs with related sites. One of them, my default, I named "[B]Default[/B]" and I do most of my basic work in that Workspace. If I end up with several tabs that are related somehow, I'll either [B]Show Workspaces[/B] and rename my "[B]Default[/B]" with an appropriate subject name and then create a new "[B]Default[/B]" [B]OR[/B] create a new empty Workspace, name it appropriately, make sure it's the current Workspace and then with the old "[B]Default[/B]" Workspace selected on the left, drag the links on the right into the tab bar of the new Workspace's window. All this done in the Show Workplaces window.

Forrest 2006-07-23 10:25 PM

This should provide you with some info: omniweb:/Help/browser/workspaces.html

gray49 2006-07-23 10:39 PM

[QUOTE=Forrest]This should provide you with some info: omniweb:/Help/browser/workspaces.html[/QUOTE]

Thank you...It is late now...I have bookmarked the link and tomorrow
I will learn how to use Workspaces properly...I will also try to learn how
to use omniweb help...The browser is a pleasure to use and the learning
curve is quite reasonable...It does offer a lot of features and it flies
on my computer...

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