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kastorff 2009-03-16 09:47 AM

Improving OW's performance on certain sites
I'm looking for suggestions on ways to improve OmniWeb's (5.9.2) performance on certain sites, specifically FaceBook ([url][/url]) and ESPN Go ( Both sites work far better with Firefox 3 than OW. Initial load times are ridiculously slow. More often than not, some element will fail to load, or won't work when accessed. The typical approach, adjusting ad-blocking settings and browser spoofing don't help. Neither site is simple, and I know that's much of the issue, but the difference in performance is remarkable and consistent, and that's not typical of OW versus Firefox in general use (IME).

Fillip 2009-03-17 12:57 AM

Interesting...I was having the same problem. I found the following.


Make sure you 'scroll' up when you land on the above url.

Here's what I did substituting OW for safari instructions:

Prep: Make sure OW is closed..not running, then proceed to...

Step 1:
Open OmniWeb's preferences file at ~/Library/Preferences/com.omnigroup.OmniWeb5.plist

Step 2:

Step 3:
Open 'com.omnigroup.OmniWeb5.plist' in a text editor. I use [URL=""]Text Wrangler[/URL] it's free :-)

Step 4:
Immediately below the first <dict> tag add the following two lines:


Step 5:

Step 6:
Close OW relaunch and see if Facebook loads faster.

Step 7:
If all is a mess, just use your copy to restore the original.

A couple of notes:
1. If after saving, your curious to see if you did it right, when you re-open the omnigroup.OmniWeb5.plist file you have to scroll all the way to the bottom where you'll see the above code that you entered. Again, all <key> entries are alphabetical.

2. If you have any doubts about doing this then don't do it. I'm living on a more desperate side. This was a first time to be messing around with the Preferences. I hope it works for Facebook loaded fast. I'm using an Intel iMac with 3GBs of Ram...this little change with OW has made a difference for me.


Drayon 2009-03-17 06:12 AM

Is this similar or the same as the OmniWeb applications preferences tab 'HTML Display Preferences' option 'Loading Pages enable start drawing before entirely loaded'?

a simpler method of injecting this options is via the terminal

defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniWeb5 WebKitInitialTimedLayoutDelay -float 0.25

Fillip 2009-03-17 04:17 PM

[QUOTE=Drayon;56939]Is this similar or the same as the OmniWeb applications preferences tab 'HTML Display Preferences' option 'Loading Pages enable start drawing before entirely loaded'?

a simpler method of injecting this options is via the terminal

defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniWeb5 WebKitInitialTimedLayoutDelay -float 0.25[/QUOTE]

I believe your right. You can make the change via the terminal. I'm just terminal shy. No pun intended :-)

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