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Rockyroad 2009-03-30 06:01 PM

Inbox still showing when I Focus on a Project
When I focus on a project in a new window, the Inbox is still showing above the project (nothing in the Inbox).

Is this to be expected? I would have thought a focus view excluded everything else.

whpalmer4 2009-03-30 08:56 PM

Yes, the Inbox shows by design. If you don't want it, you can cmd-click on it in the sidebar to remove it from the view selection (though it will remain in the sidebar).

rmathes 2010-09-16 03:56 PM

OK, this one is bugging me.

I've got a perspective saved where I want to see the contents of ONE project and one project only. I don't want to see other projects and I do NOT want to see my inbox.

I focus on just the project, I create the view where I'm just seeing what I want to see, I save it as a perspective, then when I go back to that perspective, there the inbox is again. This is really, really annoying.

How do I save a perspective that JUST focuses on a single project and nothing else. I mean, this is called OmniFOCUS, right? Is it really saying I must focus on two things and not just one?

whpalmer4 2010-09-16 05:35 PM

Focus on your project, select it in the sidebar, save as a perspective with the Restore Selection and Focus boxes checked. Does that not do what you want? Or are you trying to remove the Inbox from the sidebar as well? To my knowledge, you can't do that, but you can save the perspective with the sidebar collapsed so you don't see it there, adding Restore Layout to the list of checked options.

rmathes 2010-09-16 06:48 PM

Yeah, I've done that. And when I then select that Perspective, it shows all the inbox items above the items associated with the project I'm trying to focus on.

I'm fine with the Inbox showing in the Sidebar, don't care about that. But I don't want to see my inbox items in this view.

What's odd is that if I click on another perspective, like one I have called 'due now', then click to a project-based perspective, then I see the inbox items. If I click on "Review", then from there click on a project based perspective, I don't get the inbox items (my desired behavior).

Not sure what's going on, but the behavior I want seems like it should be pretty straightforward. If I take the steps you outline above, I should never see the inbox items in that perspective.

whpalmer4 2010-09-16 09:05 PM

If you're running 1.8, why don't you drag your offending perspective from the Perspectives window to the desktop, use File->Compress <filename> to compress it to a .zip file, and post it here? Or compare your settings to the ones depicted in my images here.

The default database, plus this sample project, prior to making the perspective:


The perspectives window showing the new perspective:

The result of invoking the new perspective:


rmathes 2010-09-17 04:20 AM

1 Attachment(s)
thanks for the assistance.

My settings appear identical to yours except I chose available tasks instead of remaining (intentionally). I've tried changing that setting to remaining and it doesn't change the behavior of what I see.

I've attached a zip file of my perspective. If you see anything amiss, let me know.

Thanks again.

RobTrew 2010-09-17 04:58 AM

What are your sidebar selections ?
If they look anything like this:


you are, of course, bound to see the Inbox contents in the right-hand contents panel (only Library or some sub-set of its children should be selected).


rmathes 2010-09-17 05:06 AM

I am selecting ONLY the project I want, then clicking 'focus', then saving the perspective. At the time I save the perspective, all I see are the items for that project with no inbox items displayed. When I return to the perspective, inbox items are displayed.

The only way I've seen to get them to not display is if I first click on the Review perspective. If I go directly from that view to this perspective, then I see my desired behavior. If I go from any other perspective (that I've tried so far), I see inbox items as well as my project's items.

halbtuerke 2011-02-03 01:20 AM

I don't know if it's still relevant, but I had the same problem and found a solution that works for me.

After focusing on a project or folder, select "Library" and then save the perspective. Now the Inbox items shouldn't show up in the main outline view.


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