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santra 2009-04-18 04:06 PM

Unable to sync database with server (bonjour) [SOLVED (& Feat. Req. Added)]
"Unable to synchronize database with server.
Unable to find sync server.
No server could be found that matches your sync settings.
Please make sure that your sync server is awake and that OmniFocus is open.
Cancel or Retry" (this is error message on iPhone)

I use Bonjour syncing, and every time I'm "away" from my wifi connection, work on my iPhone OF, and then return to my wifi connection and Mac at home and attempt to sync, I get the above error. It usually does sync successfully if I then press the sync button on the iPhone (the 2nd sync attempt).

I know Ken has addressed this before and offered the Reset OmniFocus Keychain link that you're supposed to run from the iPhone, but I think he was addressing "The server returned "forbidden"(403) in reponse to a request "PROPFIND/prudencef/Documents/OmniFocus.ofocus" in that post.

Ken (or anyone else), do you know of any fix for this happening with a Bonjour syncing iPhone?


rigel 2009-04-18 10:21 PM

I'm having a similar problem, except that I've never synced my iPhone before (all previous steps in the syncing process have gone off without a hitch) and that I'm receiving that error after:

1. Clicking on the link with sent settings in it.
2. Having it ask me if I want to replace my OmniFocus synchronization settings, and my clicking 'Replace.'

I'd love to hear of any fix available (esp. after just having paid for the iPhone version). Thanks much.

Ken Case 2009-04-19 06:59 AM

[QUOTE=santra;58722]I use Bonjour syncing, and every time I'm "away" from my wifi connection, work on my iPhone OF, and then return to my wifi connection and Mac at home and attempt to sync, I get the above error. It usually does sync successfully if I then press the sync button on the iPhone (the 2nd sync attempt).[/QUOTE]

Does the Sync button have an exclamation point in it before you press it? That exclamation point indicates that there was a sync error during the last automatic sync attempt, and when you press the sync button it displays that error before offering to retry.

So perhaps you're making changes while you're away from your WiFi, and OmniFocus tries to automatically sync up those changes and fails? And then later, when you return to your network, you press Sync and it shows you the error from when you weren't on WiFi?

Perhaps OmniFocus should ignore out the most recent autosync error when changing networks, or after 15 minutes, or something like that. (After all, if it's a persistent problem you'll likely see it again soon enough!)

Ken Case 2009-04-19 07:17 AM

[QUOTE=rigel;58729]I'm having a similar problem, except that I've never synced my iPhone before (all previous steps in the syncing process have gone off without a hitch) and that I'm receiving that error after:

1. Clicking on the link with sent settings in it.
2. Having it ask me if I want to replace my OmniFocus synchronization settings, and my clicking 'Replace.'

I'd love to hear of any fix available (esp. after just having paid for the iPhone version). Thanks much.[/QUOTE]

First, let me double-check a few details: you're trying to sync over Bonjour? Using a local WiFi network?

If you launch OmniFocus on your iPhone (without using the link from Mail), do you see the "Welcome to OmniFocus!" screen with the "Set Up Sync" button? If so, touch that button: it should list your Bonjour sync server, and you can select it to proceed to sync. (If you don't see your Mac listed, make sure your Mac is running OmniFocus, configured to be an OmniFocus Bonjour Server, and that your Mac and iPhone are on the same local WiFi network.)

If you're not seeing the "Welcome to OmniFocus" screen on your iPhone, you can get back to that initial setup screen by touching on the (i) button in the bottom left corner of the main screen to bring up Settings, scrolling down to the bottom of Settings, and touching the "Reset Database" button. This will bring you back to the welcome screen, and you can touch "Set Up Sync" as described above.

Let us know if that solves your issue!

rigel 2009-04-19 08:46 AM

[QUOTE=Ken Case;58743]First, let me double-check a few details: you're trying to sync over Bonjour? Using a local WiFi network?[/QUOTE]

That is correct.

[QUOTE]If you launch OmniFocus on your iPhone (without using the link from Mail), do you see the "Welcome to OmniFocus!" screen with the "Set Up Sync" button? If so, touch that button: it should list your Bonjour sync server, and you can select it to proceed to sync. (If you don't see your Mac listed, make sure your Mac is running OmniFocus, configured to be an OmniFocus Bonjour Server, and that your Mac and iPhone are on the same local WiFi network.)[/QUOTE]

Huh . . .

So, yes, I'm able to request it to sync. I don't automatically see my Mac listed, but when I touch 'Set Up Manually' and select Bonjour as my option, it seems to list the correct server.

. . . aaaaaand it's decided that it works this morning and not last night? :D Ah well, it's working now. Perhaps something in autosync resolved the issue. At any rate, thank you!

intranation 2009-04-20 11:41 AM

I used to have this issue before switching to MobileMe - I think the issue is just that the iPhone doesn't discovered my laptop quick enough for OmniFocus, which would explain why the second attempt always works.

santra 2009-04-21 11:08 AM

[QUOTE=Ken Case;58741]Does the Sync button have an exclamation point in it before you press it? That exclamation point indicates that there was a sync error during the last automatic sync attempt, and when you press the sync button it displays that error before offering to retry.

So perhaps you're making changes while you're away from your WiFi, and OmniFocus tries to automatically sync up those changes and fails? And then later, when you return to your network, you press Sync and it shows you the error from when you weren't on WiFi?

Perhaps OmniFocus should ignore out the most recent autosync error when changing networks, or after 15 minutes, or something like that. (After all, if it's a persistent problem you'll likely see it again soon enough!)[/QUOTE]

Yep, I think that's it! Thanks for explaining. I will try turning off Autosync on the iPhone and then test. Thanks, Ken!

santra 2009-04-21 11:17 AM

The fix worked great. I'll just leave the iPhone in manual sync mode.

[QUOTE=Ken Case;58741]Perhaps OmniFocus should ignore out the most recent autosync error when changing networks, or after 15 minutes, or something like that. (After all, if it's a persistent problem you'll likely see it again soon enough!)[/QUOTE]

Great idea for an improvement to the functionality. My iPhone is always "off network" during my commute, hence the problem that I started this thread over. Some way for the system to ignore autosync errors would be great. Thanks!

santra 2009-04-22 12:58 AM

Well, the real world test(s) don't pan out so well. I still get the sync button with exclamation point on the iPhone, the same error message, and also I got the dreaded "Which copy do you want to use? The server or the local?" message, too, which I haven't seen in months. I'm going back to the Auto setting in Bonjour Sync on the iPhone and just have to suck up the error message.

I really do think, however, that there's a better solution for this. Just because people ride the subvway and do work in OF on their iPhones "off network" shouldn't mean they have to see an error message next time they get on a Bonjour network with their Macs and do a sync.

Not to beat a dead horse or anything, but Cultured Code somehow has this worked out with its Things sync in the same testing scenarios--i.e., sync on network, work off network, then sync on network. You never get these type of error messages.

I know syncing architecture is very difficult to perfect, though. Just look at Apple and's dubious whether they'll ever get that right.

Brian 2009-04-29 02:46 PM

[QUOTE=Ken Case;58741]Perhaps OmniFocus should ignore out the most recent autosync error when changing networks, or after 15 minutes, or something like that. (After all, if it's a persistent problem you'll likely see it again soon enough!)[/QUOTE]

I don't see a feature request for this in the development database, so I'm going to enter one just in case. :-)

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