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Stormchild 2006-07-27 04:35 PM

My impressions so far
I've been playing with the beta for about an hour or so. Looks great! I currently use OmniOutliner for organizing all my ideas, plans and notes for projects, as well as my development logs, etc. To me it seems very logical to extend the basic concepts of OmniOutliner with project management tools, and I'm pretty excited about it so far.

I actually had never seen Merlin either, until I saw it mentioned in another thread here; the upcoming version (Merlin 2) looks pretty similar, and also very good. It seems to have a lot more detailed features, and if I were a professional project manager, I'd probably be interested in a lot of what it does. But I really don't have much more than a basic understanding of project management, and in my case, I don't want anything too complicated.

Since I've been using OmniOutliner pretty much every day for several years, the fact that OmniPlan looks and works the same way is a great benefit to me. The keyboard shortcuts and general editing behavior were instantly familiar.

One thing I looked for, but couldn't find, is a simple way to mark a task completed. I think it's great that I can specify a percentage instead of being limited to just checkboxes -- but at the same time, there are a lot of cases in which a checkbox would be more appropriate. What I'd like to see is some way to mark something 100% complete with just a single click, in the same way I can currently do in OmniOutliner. Perhaps a keyboard command or toolbar item? I don't want to turn off the ability to specify a percentage when that's appropriate, but I also don't want to drag a tiny little slider widget to 100% everytime I just want to mark something as "done".

I need to spend more time with the program, and see how things go in the context of actual use vs. just playing around. But so far, I really like what I see, and I think this app might finally give me a workable solution to what has always been a very difficult problem for me.

Lizard 2006-07-27 04:40 PM

select task. type option-plus. see also: plus, minus, option-minus.

Stormchild 2006-07-27 09:51 PM

Great, that does the trick, thanks. Plus/minus to increase/decrease by 10% is helpful too.

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