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Bart 2009-05-18 08:29 AM

Moving Address Book from 10.4.11 to 10.5.6
Why can't I move my address book from the older version on my old Mac to the new one? I have the hard drive in a Black Widow docking station. I can see all the Icons but it refuses to open stating: You cannot use this version of the application Address Book with this version of Mac Os X.

What are the sequences? Someone suggested that Omni download would do the job--thus I am on this site. But I am not very computer savvy so this is a dead end at the moment.

Any help greatly appreciated!

derekr 2009-05-18 10:15 AM

Hey Bart—Not too sure what you mean here. We don't have anything specific to importing Address Book contacts in our application repertoire, but this post over at Mac OS X Hints might help: [url][/url]

Perhaps someone else has another idea?

whpalmer4 2009-05-18 10:27 AM

I would stick the drive back in the old computer (assuming the old computer still works!), fire up Address Book there, select all of the cards, and do File->Export vCard... to send a file containing all of your contacts to the desktop. Transfer that file you created to the new computer, double-click it, and all your contacts should be imported.

Was there a reason you didn't want to use the Migration Assistant to move all of your stuff over from old computer to new?

Bart 2009-05-18 10:43 AM

Old Computer Dis-functional
My old computer was physically damaged but the hard drive survived. So I was told to purchase an external hard drive docking station, which I did. This opens an icon on my new computers desktop. All things have been transferred except for address book, calendar and E mail.
Migration manager does not seem to be able to grab it and open the file. It says it is not compatible. I must be doing something wrong.
Thanks for your inputs thus far.

whpalmer4 2009-05-18 12:31 PM

Ah, okay, that makes sense. Here's the next thing I would try: reboot the computer, holding down the Option key until it shows you one or more disk icons. Choose the one for your old drive, and see if you can boot into the old system. If so, do what I suggested previously, and you should be in good shape. If it won't boot from the old drive, report back and we'll figure out the next thing to try.

Morfeusz1971 2009-06-24 10:52 PM

Once I had a similar problem but somehow I managed to cope with it then but I do not remember how.

whpalmer4 2009-06-25 08:16 AM

[QUOTE=Morfeusz1971;61705]Once I had a similar problem but somehow I managed to cope with it then but I do not remember how.[/QUOTE]

That's good to know, thanks! :)

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