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Chaz2010 2009-06-08 07:27 AM

Contexts (more or less?)
I read another post where an OF user decided to break down his Home time into more meaningful contexts (Home:Kids, Home:After Work, Home:Saturday, etc.) and it got me to wondering if there really might be a productivity boost by doing so. I decided initially to keep the number of contexts to a minimum, so as to minimize the amount of thought (and wasted time) I spent trying to figure which context was the 'right' one. Here is what I have:

Someday Maybe
Waiting For

Some time ago, I tried making the @Work/@NonWork sub-contexts of the corresponding parent, but I didn't like the way it was represented in the views. Nevertheless, that post got me to thinking if it might be better to create more precise contexts.

Any thoughts on this?

ext555 2009-06-08 10:22 AM

I've found it especialy helpful in forming errands lists .. Errands: grocery store Errands : Sam's /Walmart and with Agendas a separate context agenda for each person that I deal with on a regular basis . The fact that this is a true feature of Omnifocus mac and iPhone and not a " hack " make it especially useful .

chris101 2009-06-09 01:12 AM

Before reading the other post i think you're referring to i also struggled with contexts. Anything other than @work and @home seemed sort of artificial.

However, thinking about my levels of motivation and energy over the course of the week, it became clear that including contexts like "@work:before 9am" and "@home:Saturday mornings" did seem to capture an experience that was quite consistently different from, say, "@work:after 5pm" or "@home:Sunday nights".

Perhaps that's not a great insight but tailoring particular tasks to those particular times of the week seems to have really made a difference to how i get things done.

ext555 2009-06-09 02:25 AM

You can look at this two ways .
1. dividing contexts by energy level takes into account one of DA's factors for priority decision : " energy available " .

2. limiting yourself to these tasks , takes away the review of " seeing it all " that he also talks about .

I've found many times that limiting myself to what I "felt " like doing or thought I could do , made it a lot easier to overlook and ignore tasks I knew I should be doing .

I have found it beneficial to keep a short list of activities called " brain dead " so I can at least keep moving when I don't feel like doing anything . It's true what D.A. says that many times , all you need is some action and it helps you to regain perspective or even brings new ideas by just " cleaning out a drawer " or " getting rid of old computer files " .

Chaz2010 2009-06-16 08:52 AM

Ok, I'm going to take the next day or so and break down my contexts into more meaningful, appropriate, and targeted ones. I do think this will benefit my being able to better look at my tasks in a way that will make it easier to decide which one to tackle.

I especially like the idea of breaking up Errands into the places I frequent...

Thanks for your responses!

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