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pgflmac 2009-07-14 06:25 PM

Cannot completely delete OmniGraffle after the trial
First, I really complement OmniGraffle. It is a great program, but alas it is just more than I need (simple boxes and circles). I really appreciated the trial - at first. Now I am pretty sure that even though I deleted all the files that were installed - everything named *omni* - it still looks like OmniGraffle installed a hidden file or modified something.

When you begin the trail period what does the OmniGraffle do? I'm guessing it is not taking up much space on my crowded MBA but I am quite annoyed I cannot delete all traces. This is something I expect on Windows.

How do I get rid of ALL traces of OmniGraffle being on this computer?

Joel 2009-07-15 09:55 AM

The trial period information gets written to the system's global settings, so it's not in a separate file, it's just a little information in an existing plist.

pgflmac 2009-07-15 10:02 AM

Could you explain in more detail
Could you explain in more detail? What info is written in what file? What do you mean by "system's global settings"? What plist is that?

Is this documented someplace? This is so much like Windows registry but even more secret. This is quite disturbing to me. Mac apps are not supposed to do this kind of thing. Are there other undocumented things changed on MY computer?

whpalmer4 2009-07-15 01:06 PM

Get serious. You expect them to tell you (in a public forum, no less!) how the copy protection on their expensive application works so that you can get rid of every trace, including the one that you can only detect by trying to run the application? If you're really interested in getting rid of every trace, you could restore from your last backup prior to installing the demo.

As for your claim that "Mac apps aren't supposed to do that" someone apparently forgot to inform Apple!

pgflmac 2009-07-15 01:23 PM

I do not expect an application to leave stuff behind that cannot be deleted. I do not expect it to modify any system file. I expect it to explicitly warm before.

There are plenty of other ways to copy protect including an encrypted license file in plane sight. The app will not run if not there and valid and it can be completely deleted. Plenty of apps do it.

So yes.

Do a complete restore? Are you nuts? What about all the work that was done since then on other things. Are you nuts? I would be happy to restore the file they messed if the told me what it was, correctly.

If you think for a second if a complete system restore would work it would defeat copy protection any how. Think.

Again, I want to DELETE the app not use it!!! Geesh.

Look, this looks like a really nice app for graphic types that want to do professional highend charts. I just need to draw a few boxes and circles. It is just more complicated than what I need.

Ken Case 2009-07-15 02:27 PM

We've designed our software to offer a two-week trial without requiring any special license keys. In order to provide a two week trial, our software has to keep a persistent record of when those two weeks begin.

We can't afford to let everyone extend the trial indefinitely by removing the record of their trial. If you need an extended trial yourself, please contact [email][/email] and we'll be happy to offer you more time.

The exact mechanics of how we track your trial period are confidential and proprietary, as are other details of our licensing system. You accepted these terms when you accepted our license agreement before running our software.

We can assure you that the trial record will not adversely affect any operation of your system; you can simply remove our software to stop being affected.

pgflmac 2009-07-16 03:57 AM

Hmm. Well, I do not need more time. That is the OPPOSITE of what I am doing. If I needed a program this sophisticated this is a good candidate. I fired it up for a few minutes once or twice from the .dmg and it is more than I need. I just need something simple like the old MacDraw.

I think there has to be a better way to do this than leave a something behind on my Mac FOREVER. Why not just have people register and track the trial that way. The license key could have a built in expiration date.

But whatever!

whpalmer4 2009-07-16 07:03 AM

I think there has to be a better way to do this than leave a something behind on my Mac FOREVER. Why not just have people register and track the trial that way. The license key could have a built in expiration date.
Because then people could simply reset the date on their computer whenever they wanted to use the program, long after their right to do so had lapsed.

When you produce some valuable intellectual property, you can protect it in a manner of your own choosing. In my opinion, Omni's scheme is one of the most user-friendly licensing enforcement schemes I've encountered in the last 35 years.

lsamberg 2009-07-16 03:01 PM

I am sort of curious though since I am often trying to delete software from my computer that I have tried. pgflmac, how did you determine that OG actually left something on your system?

Usually I go around deleting every file I can find that has the name of the app in it (using some discretion, of course). Then sometimes I find that the app has installed some frameworks or launchdaemons or launchagents and I try getting rid of those.. But then when I have gotten what I can, all I can do is assume I got everything......

Do you actually have a way to detect that OG has left something behind?

Ken Case 2009-07-16 03:57 PM

When he asked us directly about this, he said he noticed that it must have left something on his disk after deleting preferences and his application support folder because it still knew how many days he had left on his trial when he launched it again.

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