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MichaelG 2009-08-31 01:25 PM

Badge counts on iphone app vs desktop
I noticed that when I have my phone and desktop database synched that the badge counts are different on the phone and desktop apps for my inbox. My phone said 7 while the desktop showed 2. Is there a setting for badges in preferences, for instance, that I've missed? In other words how to I get these badge counts to match when both data bases are identical?


Brian 2009-08-31 07:26 PM

Michael, sorry for the confusion this is causing. I'm pretty sure I know what's going on here. The iPhone application considers some actions "Due Soon" which the Mac application doesn't. This is likely causing the badge discrepancy you're seeing.

Here's an example which hopefully explains what you're seeing. Let's assume you have your "Due Soon" period set to "in the next 24 hours" on both the Mac and the iPhone.

Imagine that you add an action to your database that has a start date of 9am tomorrow morning, and is due at 5pm tomorrow evening. For the sake of this example, assume that you do so at 5:30 PM. (So, the action is due in just under 24 hours.)

Currently, the iPhone application will show this action on the Due Soon list, but the Mac won't. The Mac application will wait for the start date and time to arrive; at that point, it'll be added to the due soon list.

So, the action will show up as Due Soon on your iPhone all evening long, but won't do so on the Mac until tomorrow morning.

(It's debatable which behavior is "correct", but the fact that the two apps don't handle it the same way is something that's been written up as a bug.)

If you take a look at the actions in question on both your devices, does that explain what you're seeing? If so, let me know and I'll add a note in the bug database that you ran into this...

MichaelG 2009-08-31 09:39 PM

Yes I think that is likely what is going on. Thanks

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