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MichaelG 2009-08-31 01:39 PM

Restoring deleted proj./action on Mac [A: Open OmniFocus backup on Mac, copy action.]
If I am on my desktop app and I delete a project or action item (whether purposely on by accident) and later realize I need it back. And since I've done some other work on the desktop app, so I can't use undo to get the item back and I know that that same project or action item is sitting on in my iphone app, is there a way to synch that would retrieve/restore the lost project or action that item to the desktop app other than typing them in by hand.

With my limited knowledge of the program when that happens I've just helplessly watched as it disappears off the iPhone too when it sync. This program does so much, that it seems likely that there is a way to remedy this.

Thanks in advance.

whpalmer4 2009-08-31 02:07 PM

I'm not aware of a convenient way to do what you ask with the sync mechanism if you've made other changes that you still wish to keep. "Convenient way" should be read here as "a way that I'm willing and able to describe in enough detail that I won't have to worry about you somehow further mangling your database in the process" :)

If the missing item is something that you didn't just create, you could probably retrieve it from a backup. You don't have to restore the backup to get something back, just browse in the Finder to the OmniFocus Backups directory in Documents, then double-click a backup that has a date suitable for finding your missing data. You can just drag and drop a copy of that project or action from the resulting window back into your regular library.

A rough sketch of how you might accomplish what you seek: immediately make a backup of your desktop database with the File->Backup Database command, to some place you could later easily find again. Then depending on your sync method, get rid of the sync database on MobileMe or in your Bonjour sync directory, and force the iPhone to do a sync, telling it to use the local copy if asked. That should repopulate the sync directory with the data from the iPhone, and you could sync from the desktop now (you want the server copy this time!), giving you back your database at some point prior to the erroneous deletion. Now you could open up that backup you squirreled away and group by changed to find all the stuff that you touched recently and set about recreating only the changes you wanted.

MichaelG 2009-08-31 05:18 PM

Wow. Thank you for the detailed answer. I will definitely give this a whirl next time it comes up. Sounds like next step is to contact Bingo disk to find out how to go about getting rid of the sync data.

If anyone else happens to use Bingodisk and knows how to do this offhand, I'd be grateful if you could share.


whpalmer4 2009-08-31 06:19 PM

Can't you just mount the Bingodisk volume from your Finder? Looks like that's what you do: [URL=""][/URL]

MichaelG 2009-08-31 09:52 PM

I'm a bit of a luddite more often than I'd like to admit. I just switched to Swiss Disk as BingoDisk's $20/year fee is apparently running out of time.

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