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wolfneuralnet 2009-09-20 08:07 AM

Logs getting filled - OF 1.7.4 Revision: 119196
I seem to be getting an inordinate amount of messages (100s) in my logs with this build (see below). Anyone else seeing this in Console?


9/19/09 9:10:48 AM OmniFocus[61047] Exception raised:
Mask: 0x00000100
Name: NSAccessibilityException
Reason: "AXDocument" attribute unsupported by: {
"01_frame" = "{{0, 0}, {546, 516}}";
"__self__" = "<OOScrollView: 0x14ba2350>";
subviews = (
"01_frame" = "{{0, 0}, {531, 516}}";
"__self__" = "<NSClipView: 0x14b9e650>";
subviews = (
<OOOutlineView:0x18777910 -- <ContextMainOutlineController: 0x14bba580>[object class: NSMutableDictionary]>
"01_frame" = "{{531, 0}, {15, 501}}";
"__self__" = "<NSScroller: 0x14b9a270>";
"01_frame" = "{{-100, -100}, {270, 15}}";
"__self__" = "<NSScroller: 0x14bbb410>";
Stack Trace:
0x97c28d24 0x939f6f49 0x93503af1 0x98bd87d4 0x3ac434 0x98df03bf 0x98df2957 0x91939ad3 0x91943b96 0x91915c39 0x93428b8e 0x934249e9 0x93422d34 0x93422b61 0x908fffec 0x908ffda3 0x908ffc28 0x98b8cc95 0x98b8c50a 0x98b4e69b 0x15654b 0x98b46735 0x2a12 0x2939 0x2

silvermoonbeam 2009-09-20 09:31 AM

I've been getting this every time I try to sync with iCal. I'm using 1.7.4 and the same build as you. I've not had trouble with this previously.

9/20/09 1:26:55 PM OmniFocus[7701] Presenting modal error: {
code = 2134;
domain = "com.omnigroup.OmniFocus";
userInfo = {
NSLocalizedDescription = "Unable to synchronize calendars:\n\nException raised:\n---------------------------\nName: ISyncSessionUnavailableException\nReason: Client com.omnigroup.OmniFocus is already participating in a sync\nInfo:\n{\n NSStackTraceKey = \"0x90e1ed24 0x94546f49 0x9932c2b8 0x9932c22a 0x95382501 0x9538b66e 0x9536d1f8 0x80b16 0x7ffc8 0x61799 0x61f12 0x9774ba40 0x9774b9d1 0x977345af 0x9762e0c4 0x97546ceb 0x159a08 0x974da6fb 0x15654b 0x974d2735 0x2a12 0x2939 0x2\";\n}\nBacktrace:0x90e1ed24 0x94546f49 0x9932c2b8 0x9932c22a 0x95382501 0x9538b66e 0x9536d1f8 0x80b16 0x7ffc8 0x61799 0x61f12 0x9774ba40 0x9774b9d1 0x977345af 0x9762e0c4 0x97546ceb 0x159a08 0x974da6fb 0x15654b 0x974d2735 0x2a12 0x2939 0x2\n---------------------------";
"com.omnigroup.framework.OmniBase.ErrorDomain.FileLineAndNumber" = "/Volumes/Data/Shared/omnibuild/ReleaseProduct/Source/OmniGroup/Applications/Focus/App/Sync/Calendar.m:118";

Toadling 2009-09-20 10:59 AM

[QUOTE=wolfneuralnet;67138]I seem to be getting an inordinate amount of messages (100s) in my logs with this build (see below). Anyone else seeing this in Console?[/QUOTE]

I don't see those errors in my Console with r119196 on 10.6.1. However, I do see this one every time I launch OmniFocus:

[QUOTE]OmniFocus[9236] Error writing /Users/<redacted>/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus/Perspectives/.loaded: The file “.loaded” doesn’t exist.[/QUOTE]

I deleted my Perspectives folder a long time ago after upgrading to the 1.7 line.

Sorry I couldn't help more, wolfneuralnet.


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