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Toadling 2009-09-29 10:05 PM

Omnifocus becomes frontmost after Quick Entry save?
Is it my imagination or does assigning a project or context in the Quick Entry window bring the main OmniFocus window to the front when it was previously hidden?

In other words:
[LIST=1][*]Hide OmniFocus (Command-H)[*]With another app in the foreground and OmniFocus still hidden, bring up the Quick Entry window[*]Create a new action in the Quick Entry window[*]Assign a project or context to the new action in the Quick Entry window (this can be done with either the mouse or by tabbing to the field and typing)[/LIST]
I'm running the recently released OmniFocus 1.7.4 on Snow Leopard 10.6.1.


whpalmer4 2009-09-29 10:16 PM

I'm seeing that on Tiger with v77.

Brian 2009-09-30 05:43 PM

I can repro this, as well. Writing up as a bug. Thanks!

fudster 2009-10-05 10:34 AM

Omnifocus grabs focus after QE save?

It seems to me that this is new, introduced in 1.7.4.

When I use the QE window, on clicking Save, Omnifocus steals the focus, requiring me to Cmd-Tab (twice actually) to return to the app I was using prior. I think this defeats the purpose of Quick Entry, which ought to allow me to capture something quickly, and then return to what I was doing without missing a beat, without additional interaction with OmniFocus (at least for the moment).

Anyone else notice this change recently?

whpalmer4 2009-10-05 10:51 AM

It's a known problem.

Thank you for reporting this — we're aware of the Quick Entry issue and have a bug filed in our development database for "Save or Cancel the Quick Entry window brings OmniFocus frontmost [unhide, activation, quickentry] (regression since 1.7.3)".

That code was recently rewritten and we thought we caught all the bugs before releasing 1.7.4, but it appears otherwise. I know that our team is working on this, and we should have a fix in an upcoming update. Thanks for your patience and support in the mean time.

fudster 2009-10-05 10:55 AM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;67876]It's a known problem.[/QUOTE]

Ah. Nuts, I actually did search the forums for this to avoid a repeat post. My apologies. Up mine.

whpalmer4 2009-10-05 12:26 PM

No problem -- just reporting that Omni is already aware of the issue. I don't think it's been posted on the forum before now. There was an apparently related issue mentioned [URL=""]here[/URL].

I have enough trouble finding posts that I remember making, much less posts that may not have been made :-) I don't think there's any reason for a forum member to get cranky about someone inadvertently duplicating someone else's report of anomalous behavior, when the goal here is to help each other use the program more effectively, and to help Omni improve the program.

Toadling 2009-10-05 12:33 PM

I think this [URL=""]more recent thread[/URL] is more applicable. It sounds like the same problem.


fudster 2009-10-05 01:00 PM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;67883]No problem -- just reporting that Omni is already aware of the issue. I don't think it's been posted on the forum before now. There was an apparently related issue mentioned [URL=""]here[/URL].

I have enough trouble finding posts that I remember making, much less posts that may not have been made :-) I don't think there's any reason for a forum member to get cranky about someone inadvertently duplicating someone else's report of anomalous behavior, when the goal here is to help each other use the program more effectively, and to help Omni improve the program.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, and thanks. :-)

I do try to make an effort. Sometimes I go for a few weeks in between visits to the Omni forums and it's easy to fall behind on the buzz. :-)

Brian 2009-10-07 12:22 PM

Merging this thread with the one Dennis linked to, and tweaking the title to hopefully make it more find-able title in the process. Don't feel bad, Fudster; blame me. :-)

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