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alexjrice 2009-11-30 01:08 AM

Feature Request : Jump quickly from action to project
I just submitted a feature request, and I thought that others might want to chime in:

In the desktop version of OF my most used key shortcut is command-r to jump between viewing an action in its project and in its context. There is no way to do this on the iPhone.

In fact once I've checked something off in context and want to check that I haven't just checked off the last action for that project it takes me at least 4 taps to navigate back to the home screen, then drill down my folder structure to find the relevant project. That's assuming that I can even remember which project the action belongs to and where to find it.

Often I forget whether, for example 'discuss widget with bob' is in work: projects: widget or personal: relationships: bob and have to use the search function (I have a lot of projects) because in the context view you can only see the name of the project, not the folder structure above it.

And because there's no indication whether checking off a particular action would create a stalled project I have to do this EVERY time I check off an action.

So, I'd like some, or all of the following, pretty please with cherries on top and a paid up family license and repeated recommending OmniFocus to other people...

-- Some indication / warning that you just checked off the last action in a project as 'done'

-- Some way in context view to see the full hierachy of the project to which a particular action belongs, probably from the 'edit' menu to save screen space in the normal view

-- Some way to jump from an action to its project, probably a button at the bottom of the action's normal view underneath 'take photo' and 'record audio' that says 'view project'

patgallant 2009-11-30 05:11 AM

I've made the same request to Omni before. Hopefully the more requests made, the sooner this will be implemented.

One note that might be helpful: You mentioned:

"Some indication / warning that you just checked off the last action in a project as 'done'"

I use the OF iPhone app exclusively (don't have a Mac), so I sorta accomplish this by making my last task in a project always have the action title !!!!

This way, if I see !!!! tasks in my context lists, I know that I've completed a project (or need to go back and add additional actions). I can also search for !!!! to get a quick list of stale projects

alexjrice 2009-11-30 06:02 AM

Neat idea.

There's an applescript for the desktop version which automagically does a similar thing, it tags stalled projects and groups with -- Missing NA. Much more powerful than the built in 'Stalled' context because that also includes projects that are waiting and misses groups out altogether.

It was written by Curt Clifton, available from:

gohnjanotis 2009-12-11 07:19 AM

I second this request to be able to quickly switch from an action in the Context view to that action's project!

I must admit with each update I've been trying all kinds of crazy stuff (like double tapping the action, holding down on it, etc) hoping that this had been implemented! haha

Thanks guys!!!!

gcrump 2009-12-12 03:46 AM

I Third this request. It is probably the one feature that keeps me from using the iPhone app on a regular basis.

alexjrice 2009-12-14 04:29 PM

Don't forget...
It's e-mails to [URL=""][/URL] that count, they don't usually read the forums much.

alexjrice 2010-05-06 03:36 AM

Maybe with OF version 4 coming out?
Just wanted to bump this since the dev guys are probably working on version 4 right now and this would be pretty trivial to implement if they wanted to.

andrewt 2010-10-19 12:18 AM

This really should have been a core feature. It breaks up the flow completely when you check off an action only to have to go via a projects list to go to its associated project. I use this feature a lot on the desktop.
I've sent a feedback email to omnigroup.

andy-o's 2010-10-25 12:49 AM

I'm writing my request email in now. This feature is sorely missed for obvious reasons. I saw this actually implemented in Life Balance and thought, geez, why can't I do this in Omnifocus?

Nearly made me switch.

For those who want this feature, I'm curious how you would best see it implemented in terms of interface? Perhaps a blue arrow in the project field of the task that takes you to the item within the project? Or even a blue arrow in the list itself (though this seems cluttered and confusing for new users I would bet). Perhaps the same method could be applied to take the item from the project to it in the context view.

patgallant 2010-11-01 09:36 AM

They have this in the iPad version thankfully and I use it all the time. I don't use the iPhone app so much anymore but hopefully OG will add it in the near future.

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