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curiousstranger 2010-02-10 08:23 PM

1.6.1 Sync Untrusted Root
Since installing 1.6.1 on my iPhone, I've been getting an error every time I attempt to sync over Bonjour to my Mac: "The server certificate for https://airmac.local:63769/Omnifocus.ofocus" is signed by an untrusted root". After ensuring this was a bug and not someone trying to cause trouble, I click continue and the sync finishes normally. What's going on here, and how do I fix it?

whpalmer4 2010-02-10 08:39 PM

Probably ought to consult the support ninjas....

IntlOrange 2010-02-13 09:36 PM

I have this problem, too! Must have to do with the upgrade.

whpalmer4 2010-02-13 09:44 PM

There was another post about this. Word from Omni is that this is the result of a change Apple asked them to make. [url][/url]

RJW 2010-02-15 02:09 PM

since I got this message I can't sync
I just tried to sync my iPod Touch 2G for the first time in a few days (first time since upgrading OmniFocus to 1.7.5; on my IPT it's 1.6.1) and after getting the untrusted root message, and hitting Trust Always, I try to sync. But the spinning disk starts spazzing. Any thoughts? I never upgraded the OS past 3.0. Could that be the problem? Thanks.

cmclark 2010-02-17 08:50 AM

Here's the response I received via email from Jameson Brown, a support ninja:
[INDENT][I]Sorry for the trouble! Here are a few troubleshooting steps you should try for Bonjour sync:

- First, recycle the power on your wireless router, then try synching again. As basic as it sounds, this has been the #1 culprit with Bonjour synching issues.

- Reset synching on the desktop by going into the Sync pane of the Preferences menu, setting the sync method to "Nothing", then set it back to Bonjour.

- If you're running Tiger, try turning off the firewall, then sync OmniFocus. If that worked, I'll send you detailed instructions on how to sync with the firewall on; for now, we just want to get you up and running.

- If you're running Leopard, go into System Preferences>Security>Firewall, and make sure it's either set to allow all incoming connections, or add OmniFocus to the list of applications allowed access.

- On your desktop's network settings, make sure there aren't any proxy servers set up.

- Turn your iPhone off and back on.

- Offices typically have firewalls installed on their wireless networks that will block the iPhone's attempt to connect with your Mac for synching. You may need to contact your IT department so they can open up a port for you to sync with.

You also have the option of setting up an ad-hoc network, which is a network that's broadcast directly from the wireless card on your Mac, which your iPhone can connect to in order to sync :

I tried the things he suggested, along with some suggestions from the FAQ, and finally got things to sync properly.

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