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Manatee 2010-04-14 04:10 PM

Feature comparison chart for iPad vs. Mac version
Hey, Omni,

Could you create and post a feature comparison chart so we old OmniGraffle users can see clearly which features of the Mac version are/aren't (yet) in the iPad version?

I don't have my iPad yet (waiting for the 3G version), but I'd really like to get a clear and concise picture of the features available on the iPad versus the features available on the Mac.

Btw, I use OmniGraffle Pro. (And OmniOutliner Pro... can't wait 'til the outliner is available for the iPad!)


Ousley 2011-07-18 07:52 AM

OF Comparison Chart Needed
Omni Group,
Let me second the request for a comparison chart for OmniFocus in all three flavors. I'm running OF on 2 iOS devices (iPhone & iPad) and would like to know if OmniFocus for Mac would be worth purchasing Mac hardware. A feature comparison chart would be very helpful to me and others.


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