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lmsboy 2010-05-24 03:27 AM

Will you give us an iPhone-App?
Hey OmniGroup!
Will you give us an iPhone-App? I've to know this, because I've to decide in the next two weeks, if I'll have to buy Merlin (because of the iPhone-Sync over the Merlin-Server-App) or if you'll add the sync ways of OmniFocus to OmniPlan?

whpalmer4 2010-05-24 05:12 AM

Read all about the plans here: [url][/url]

I'm pretty sure they won't be [B]giving[/B] us an app, though!

Brian 2010-05-24 02:39 PM

We're bringing OmniPlan to the iPad; not sure yet about to the iPhone. We won't have OmniPlan for the iPad ready in the next two weeks, though. Sorry.

trinix 2010-06-01 09:11 AM

What about updating ti version 2 instead of supporting more platforms?


Brian 2010-06-01 02:14 PM

[QUOTE=trinix;77887]What about updating ti version 2 instead of supporting more platforms?

Christian, the OmniPlan team had a substantial amount of work done on OmniPlan 2 when Apple announced the iPad, and they're continuing that work.

Once we finish some of our other iPad projects, we may add some additional folks to the OmniPlan team so we can work on the iPad version, but OmniPlan 2 for Mac hasn't been slowed down at all.

t-awesome 2010-06-03 09:06 AM

[QUOTE=Brian;77910]Christian, the OmniPlan team had a substantial amount of work done on OmniPlan 2 when Apple announced the iPad, and they're continuing that work.

Once we finish some of our other iPad projects, we may add some additional folks to the OmniPlan team so we can work on the iPad version, but OmniPlan 2 for Mac hasn't been slowed down at all.[/QUOTE]

Just my two cents - would rather have an update to the base Mac app which incorporates new functionality first. I know there's a lot to be considered in updating the app.

iPad version later which reflects new functionality (why create iPad app which is outdated mere months later?).

Go omni go!

Niclet 2011-02-21 02:15 PM

Well, I was expecting three features with OP 2:

- Multiple Projects in a single timeline
- Localized app
- iPhone app support

From these, only the localization is part of the app. A PM iPhone app is absolutely essential for my work. I'm a huge fan of OmniGroup's works and bought a lot of their apps but in regard of Merlin's Projects Manager features, I'm seriously questioning myself about where I'll invest?

Convince me someone...

whpalmer4 2011-02-21 02:41 PM

My understanding is that all of those features are expected in OmniPlan 2 (except for the iPad app, which is an independent product). What you appear to be expecting is that they will be in OmniPlan 2.0. If you look at the typical Omni app's release notes, you'll see that they add in substantial new functionality over the lifetime of a major release. Not really any reason to think that won't be the case here.

trinix 2011-03-03 08:14 AM

[QUOTE=Brian;77910]Christian, the OmniPlan team had a substantial amount of work done on OmniPlan 2 when Apple announced the iPad, and they're continuing that work.

Once we finish some of our other iPad projects, we may add some additional folks to the OmniPlan team so we can work on the iPad version, but OmniPlan 2 for Mac hasn't been slowed down at all.[/QUOTE]
Could you say something about your scheduling, please?

Brian 2011-03-03 04:00 PM

[QUOTE=trinix;94356]Could you say something about your scheduling, please?[/QUOTE]

Heh, if you look at the forum and blog posts from a few months back, you'll see lots of similar questions about OmniFocus for iPad. The only answer we can really give is "we don't know yet, but when we do, we'll announce it."

(And even then, we may be wrong.)

I know that's probably a frustrating answer; I'm really sorry. If you quote a date, though, someone out there is going to read that as a promise. If it turns out that your best estimate was wrong and it takes longer, they're going to get mad at you for breaking a promise. We'd rather not do that.

Of course, in the meantime, some folks may choose to use some other product - and if that's the best thing for them to do, we can't blame them: the important thing is the work those folks are using, not the tool they do it with. We want to help folks, not hold them back. :-)

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