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hypotyposis 2010-05-26 09:06 PM

Processing items to dropped folder
So I've got my Someday/Maybe as a dropped folder containing multiple projects and single action lists (which are active, but inherit the dropped status). However, this doesn't seem to let me assign any of the Someday/Maybe projects to inbox items when typing it in the action's project column.
Any ideas?

EDIT: And while I'm at it, I don't find a way to filter the view so that it hides completed projects but still shows projects in a dropped folder?


Brian 2010-05-27 04:05 PM

OmniFocus presumes that something which has been dropped is something you really truly aren't going to work on. Based on that presumption, it doesn't include the contents in the completion cell, so you don't have to wade through a bunch of options you've said you don't want to work on.

The ability to set a folder to "On Hold" instead of dropping it should be coming in version 2; that sounds like it'll do what you're looking for. In current releases, though, you're going to have to un-drop the folders to get the items they contain to show up in the completion cells. Sorry.

hypotyposis 2010-05-27 06:58 PM

Thanks Brian—this actually answers my question. I think it's a problem that had been raised quite some time ago already regarding handling of someday/maybe in OF... I guess I was expecting it to have been resolved!

RobTrew 2010-05-28 01:28 AM

[QUOTE=Brian;77738]The ability to set a folder to "On Hold" instead of dropping it should be coming in version 2; that sounds like it'll do what you're looking for.[/QUOTE]

In the meanwhile, the status of all projects in the selected folder (and any sub-folders which it may have) can be set to [B]On Hold[/B] (or back to [B]Active[/B]), with the applescript below.

(the status of any [B]Completed[/B] or [B]Dropped[/B] projects is left unchanged)

[CODE]-- Ver 0.8
-- Sets status of contents and descendants of the selected folder(s) and project(s) to ON HOLD or ACTIVE
-- (depending on user response to a prompt)
-- The status of any COMPLETED and DROPPED projects is left unchanged
-- Any DROPPED subfolders are also left unchanged

property pActive : "Active"
property pOnHold : "On Hold"

tell application id "com.omnigroup.OmniFocus"
tell front window
set oPanel to sidebar
if (count of selected trees of oPanel) < 1 then
set oPanel to content
set lstFolders to {}
set lstFolders to value of (selected trees of oPanel where ¬
(class of value is folder) and (hidden of value is false))
end if
set refProjects to a reference to value of (selected trees of oPanel where ¬
(class of value is project) and ((status of value is active) or (status of value is on hold)))
end tell

set varChoice to choose from list {pActive, pOnHold} with prompt "Set selection & descendants to:"
if varChoice is not false then
if first item of varChoice is pActive then
set eNewStatus to active
set eNewStatus to on hold
end if

set status of refProjects to eNewStatus
repeat with oFolder in lstFolders
my SetFolderStatus(oFolder, eNewStatus)
end repeat
end if
end tell

on SetFolderStatus(oFolder, eNewStatus)
using terms from application "OmniFocus"
set refProjects to a reference to (projects of oFolder where ((status is active) or (status is on hold)))
set status of refProjects to eNewStatus

set lstFolders to folders of oFolder where hidden is false
repeat with oSubFolder in lstFolders
my SetFolderStatus(oSubFolder, eNewStatus)
end repeat
end using terms from
end SetFolderStatus[/CODE]


Greg Jones 2010-05-28 01:36 AM

That script works very well-thanks Rob!

RobTrew 2010-05-28 05:05 AM

A version which simply [B]toggles[/B] folder contents between On Hold and Active (without prompting for a choice) is on [URL=""]another thread[/URL].


hypotyposis 2010-05-28 07:02 AM

[QUOTE=RobTrew;77772]In the meanwhile, the status of all projects in the selected folder (and any sub-folders which it may have) can be set to [B]On Hold[/B] (or back to [B]Active[/B]), with the applescript below.

(the status of any [B]Completed[/B] or [B]Dropped[/B] projects is left unchanged)

Ahhhh... This is exactly what I needed! Thank you so much, Rob! The v. 2.0 ability (which I understand would default projects sent to a "On Hold" folder to on-hold themselves [like projects in a dropped folder currently inherit the dropped status]) is indeed exactly what I'm looking for, as "Someday/Maybe" doesn't work as a context for me (in the way generally described by the Omni staff, but not in the DA whitepaper...). I know the perils of this approach and wish I could deal with "emptying my head" to separate inboxes (e.g. like Curt does), but I just have to have that happen in one system: hence I'm going to try again for "everything in OF", which means having a solid Someday/Maybe implementation (i.e. including for unlikely projects).

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